Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it – no matter if I have said it! – except it agree with your own reason and your own common sense.” – Siddhartha Gautama, a.k.a. the Buddha


Life carries on,

Way back in me early years, I read Orwells 1984, and before that date.   I was like 12 when I read it, and while the story gave me the willies, even then, my early years, I ‘knew’ that it was a story and that no society could go so far down the tubes as described.

Boy howdy was I frickin’ wrong.   

What I didn’t understand at the time was the “Mob Rule”: That a mobs intelligence is one half of that of its dumbest member.   And a society is a Mob in a very real sense.

Look around you.  We joke about the Enemedia being Orwells MiniTru, but when I read articles like Doctor Malone discussing how mRNA tech history is being re-written,,,   Are we really all that far from it.   Constant surveillance through devices we readily carry daily,,,,    Maybe the information flow is far too great to keep up with, but the point is the same.  Once you become a target, getting your information becomes stoopid easy, and the way the laws are arbitrarily applied, and as numerous as they are, they will find something to stick you in a cage.   Yah, we have the MiniTru, We have the Big Brother surveillance.   Our ‘military’ is rapidly become the Ministry of Love with our perfumed princes of the potomac ignoring the basic premise of a military and pushing the inclusivity and diversity schtick.   We have a figurehead that fully represents what the shadow government thinks of our Untied Staatz (HT to BCE for that’un).  


There was a poll recently (and while I don’t give much credence to polls, this one seemed ‘mostly honest’) saying that 28% of the population feels they may need to take up arms against our government.  and 68% of the rural population feel threatened by our government in a very real way. (Personally I think the numbers a tad higher, but people will tone down in a state where they are paranoid of being targets.)

I think whats bugging me the most is how the US, while it has been at the forefront of most everything the last 100+ years, is lagging behind across the board this round.   Canada had the Trucker Convoy and stalled an entire country for months.  The US repeat was a popcorn fart in comparison.  We have the Dutch Farmers shutting down thier country in response to government overreach, and here,,,,  crickets.   The Yellow Vest riots in France, that as far as I know are still off and on,   and the people rising up against totalitarian overreach ’round the world, yet here,,,,    The only riots we have seen are the burnlootmurderwegetpaidtodothisshit groups that have Soros fingers so far up their anal cavities,,,     The only “Insurrection” event was so peaceful,,,,  you know the one, the one that AOC swears she almost died in. yeah,,,,

And yet no one ever mentions the burning dumpster fires and pink pussie hats of 2017 with minimal arrests and near zero coverage (and only positive coverage of the pussiehat shit) by the enemedia,,,,    

Do I want a fight?   Not really, but its obvious that TPTB DO!!!   They either want it here so they can ‘find reason’ to implement the ‘final solution’, or they want a world war so they can ‘rally support’.    And the attempts are so farcical that even the dumbest member of my work force sees it.   

They know if they really push for the gun control thing, going straight to confiscation, they will spark off the next Civil War, and I think even they know that is a game they won’t win.   BUT, they so want to be “The Power” all while having this delusional game plan.   

I look at the “you will own nothing and be happy” plan.  And I can see how they think it will work.  If you could get it in a static laboratory environment,  it MIGHT work for a few years.   Problem being, the world is NOT a static environment, and people are NOT widgets that Always operate perfectly.  We are human, we make mistakes, and we adapt.   People like owning things.   Even apartment dwellers like being able to say that they OWN something, even if its just the car they drive or that superwidescreenTV with the 30000W sound system and the 64bit octocore processor gaming computer they play with.   You want proof that people like owning things?   Look around at all the storage rental places.   If that isn’t sign that people want to own things, even if they can’t keep it with them and are willing to pay for a place to keep it,,,,   Storage rental is a big business with lucrative cash flow.   

Personally, I don’t want to ‘rent my life’ from others, knowing that if I were to say the wrong thing to someone, that I could be doxxed and suddenly all those things I ‘rent’ would be pulled, up to and including my means of income.   That situation, which is what Soros, Schwab and the Davos peeps want for the rest of us unwashed masses, would lead to a three tiered world.   You would have THEM, (S,S,&D crowd) US, those just trying to get along, and then the shadow world, blackmarket etc.   

Even Orwell described that in 1984.   Winston bought his notebook from one of those people in the shadow world.  He ‘rented’ his hideaway crib where he had his dalliance with the girl from the same people.    There were three tiers there as well.(while not a proof that the ‘new world order’ is a failure out of the gate, but it does show that others have thought this through to fruition and the fallacies are obvious.)

I don’t want to live in Winstons world.   I’d rather load the Ghostboat with as much as I could carry and head out, tempting fate and the environment.   At least there, the rules aren’t arbitrary and applied at whim.   Mamanature may be a bitch, but she doesn’t shift the rules ‘just because’.   

Not that I am worried about things going that far.  The backlash is growing, and while the MINITRU doesn’t cover it, the internet is NOT silent, and the signal is still getting through.   Look at Sri Lanka, look at the how certain countries are getting very little coverage (India is one that ‘isn’t playing’, China, Russia, none of them are ‘falling in line’ with the NWO plan,).  The signal is there, IF you know what to look for, and that keeps this thing from rushing headlong into that ‘utopia’ they envision.

Even if things fall so far, life carries on.   Look at how people lived during the seige of Stalingrad.    There was still day to day taking place at the end of the German Reich, and after the firebombing of Dresden.    It may not be anywhere near the levels of comfort we are used to, but people carry on, food makes it to a table, even if that table is a napkin on a lap in the basement of a burned out basement.   It may not be filet mignon, more likely rat or cat or a can of cat food, but someone is going to be eating, and able to carry on the next day to do it all again.   Selko was very good at describing life in Bosnia, and if things continue forward at pace as I see it, WE will see that here.   At least in the cities, maybe not so much in places like where I live, but even here things will get ‘rough’.

Ok, enough with my meandering thoughts today.   Part of my thinking is due to a weather shift today.  I am thinking that we are in for one hella bad winter forthcoming and maybe I need to double up on my wood pile.   At least I still have time and resources to do so.   So, think about what we are seeing, what I discussed above, and then get your butt in gear to do some prep of your own.   IF you live in a city or the burbs, and can’t get OUT, by all means prepare anyway, but think seriously about “SmellSec”.   The smell of cooking food will carry for miles and when people are hungry, their noses are as good as a dogs.    Its not just the means, but what you do to insure you can KEEP IT.

Straits of Meh!

So here we are, The Good Ship Dio’s Workshop, aground, rudder fouled and rigging shot through by ScamDemic fallout.  First Mate Voodoo is running about 30% both physically and mentally, and the passengers, Grumpykat and her boys, are wondering when we are going to hit a good port of call, not this barren mess they see off the bow.   The WindGenny (called J.O.B.) is moving enough electrons to keep the bilge pumps running so the lower holds aren’t flooding, but not much more. We may be aground, but we are not sunk, so there is still hope of better to come.(and the corollary of that: could get a shit ton worse, but we’ll strive for the better.)  

TIme for Cap’n Dio to strike out land-bound and get a lay of the area, maybe see if any of the charts we have on hand match what I see.  Currently I am looking at a peak on this shoreline; a peak I am calling mount WTF!!!  and I will head there to get a better view horizon to horizon.  Maybe there is a way off this rock yet.

We all make choices, some times those choices work for us, other times against.   Some of my choices, solid when made, did not hold up to current events or the black swan of a purpose made virus and the gullibility of sheep.   Nor were my choices made with the idea that maybe, the federal government would make the same stupid fricking mistakes it made in the 1920s and collapse an economy.   If you aren’t feeling it yet, stick around, you will.    While I knew the economy was tanking, I missed the ‘slowly, then all at once’ aspects of things.   And I admit, I floundered in the good times of Trumps economy.   When I should have been sticking to my guns, I started playing a bit more than I should have.

Went to a local grocery store, one where I am a regular and have a decent rapport with the manager.   They were in the middle of a floor renovation this last week.  Took out one entire row of shelving, split the remaining rows in half and ‘added’ a middle walkway through them.   I asked what was going on (this is not a big place) and was told, byt a regional type working there at the time ; “we’re remodeling to bring the store up to date”.   Talked to the manager as I was leaving and her response was “they cut the shelving down to make it look like we have more stuff.   Too many products we can’t get anymore.”

Think this is going to wrap up with some Selection cycle?   I think not.  

I personally think this is just the top of the hill and that the snow is still falling while the ice shelf below the snow is creaking frightfully.   I haven’t paid much attention to what the markets are doing the last month or so, but I would say that they look a lot more shaky than that ‘To Infinity and beyond” shit they have been doing since 2008.

Choices.    I have some choices to make and sooner than later.   You all know one of them and that one keeps getting put off; I won’t go into details of that right now.   Another choice is to take one of the several offers I always have laying around, but there is that ‘grass is greener’ thing, that is never the case.   One master traded for a different master is still being owned by someone else.   And that is where my angst with all of this is laying.   I don’t WANT another J.O.B.  

I’m getting a view, and looking for some landmarks to shoot an azimuth for: Figure out just where the hell I am currently.   Maybe I can get something to make sense on the Straits of Meh.


I wrote the above yesterday afternoon, and scheduled it.  Between then and what you are reading now, I chanced upon this post by Sarah at the Mad Genius Club.  This is her group of fellow writers and a hella resource for up-n-coming writers (such as meself) so may not be for everyday reading for most peeps, but is on my daily check out.   With all the fun and games of fouled rudders and no bearings on upside-down charts, I missed this post the other day.

Let me face one fact, right up front: My problem right now is as simple as this: Depression.   Yup, I’m feeling more than a touch depressed right now, between Dawg, finances, and lack of relief by kayak/camaraderie of friends, I hit my slump.    What really tipped the scales was seeing my tax documents for the year,,,,,     No need to share that figure, but it was quite a bit lower than I expected, to the tune of ten grand lower.   

Soooooo,,,,,,   I read Sarahs “Be the unicorn” and sat back and thought about things a bit.   She’s right!!! In my mind, (and it’s something I work hard against) I am so flipping average as to be flat boring.   Its a self image thing, one reinforced over decades by some that would have me be ‘just that!”.  High school counselors, some of my teachers, a few acquaintances that I thought were friends, all fed the self-image that I am not worth the mould that God made for me.

*cough* Look out on your porch at those kayaks YOU built, Dio.    Look on that book shefl where the books YOU wrote are sitting, Look at the ‘me wall'(I can’t, its in boxes still) with pictures and backstage passes from all the years touring with ‘rockstars’.  Look at the White House Communications Citations from 2004,,,,,,,,,,

No, I am not average, no matter what my self-image is.   I may not be that wildly successful person that my Da wants of me, but, DAMMIT, I’ve done shit,,,, DO SHIT, that ‘average’ people only dream of.  (and thats part of why I don’t want a J.O.B.    I have enough skills and talents that I should be able to make my own way without the ‘one good day job’.). And with the writing thing, I may be way behind on ‘paying my dues’, I am quite aware of that, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t ways to make it pay SOMETHING, in the meantime.  I am no Terry Pratchett, nor Heinlein, but I can spin a tale, and get people to forget about things around them for just a few minutes. Thats not ‘nothing‘.  

Still, I need to get my bearings.  Things are changing in the world, in my world, and seriously, after seeing that W2 for 2021,,,,,    No, that shit can’t stand.   I did ‘alright’ seeing how I am not buried in debt, but that level of income does not bode well for moving forward either.   As I stated above, the J.O.B. has been keeping the bilge dry, but sure isn’t powering the radar or GPS or the radio in the Goodship Dio’s Workshop.

NO, This is NOT a bleg for donations.  If you feel the need to support me in anyway, buy some of my books and give them out.  I would much rather that than someone sending me ‘sympathy monies’.   (Sarah had a special case and as many donators said, they were just returning the favor of good work provided non-gratis, previously.   I know I am not in that boat, yet.  )

I’ll be working on that ‘getting my bearings’ for a bit-while yet; I don’t jump just because it looks good; I like a certain amount of insurance/assurance as well.  (and no, OhioGuy, the lottery ticket DIDN’T Pan out, or this depression would be kicked like a bad habit.). I’ll keep posting, just wanted y’all to know that I ‘feel better’ now.  Knowing is half the battle, Right GIJoe? 

Xi-denlandia, home of the obscure and deluded

a different perspective on whats going on down south.  

THings are getting sporky and NOT ONE MEDIA outlet is talking about it in any way shape or form.  PRAVDA means TRUTH.  Did we learn NOTHING from the Russian experiment?

Yup, last night I made a trip to the store for a Coke (been cutting back, but,,,,) and the Enemedia was spouting something about Kamala-laladingdong trashing the US again.  Ok, thats a positive since she is a sitting VP, even if illegally ensconced, and the bitch shits all over the country she ‘represents’.   Good optics there, you heels in air whore.


Nada about the southern border becoming a hotbed of fun and games of the third world order.

And it is all about “REPLACEMENT POPULATION” and the Cartels are making BANK on it.   I never knew about the wrist band things: thats a new spin on this mess.   It shows that even the cartels have to package deal the product to keep up with it.  And that brings up: where the hell are these people getting the money to pay the cartels to move them?    Seems to me that someone is supplying a certain amount of lucre   Why would someone pay three grand to come to the US when that same three grand would set them up quite nicely in some of the places they are bailing on.   Incentives on this end, IE Free welfare promise and edu-mi-cation.   Short term thinkers for certain, because TANSTAAFL is damned near a natural law.   What we have is collapsing before our eyes and teetering on sudden implosion.

And I thought I was up on things in my research for “Wings”.  LOL..   Damn, this world is heavy into Wide Open throttle towards hell and we ditched the brakes somewhere around 2019.

I keep watching the markets for that seismic disturbance indicating full melt down, but all I keep seeing is the deadcat bounce.(not the proper term, but it sounds cool.)  Manipulated much?  Someone is making bank on this mess, but it sure isn’t the small investors or the producers of real goods.  And that ‘Someone’ is using it to destroy this place.   THAT!!!  Christ in a handbasket, this shit can’t be written like a story, NO ONE would believe it.   I know for certain that if someone had traveled back just two years to warn of us of what we have been witness to, They would have been locked up as KOOKS with a quickness.

Thumbs a-twiddlin’

Sitting. Waiting. Deliveries behind schedule, parts to install but no parts to be had.  Pay based on work done, not time spent so pay is zip currently.

Sitting.  Waiting.  TPTwB pushing levers and buttons, but the machine isn’t going any faster.  Prolly cuz the wheels already fell off and we’re riding on the brake drums.  Lots of sparks and smoke, but nothing giving way to the next stage, YET.

I hear people sounding the drum, clanging on the pots, shouting from the roof tops,  that shits about to go sideways any minute.  And one thing tells me that they are likely correct.

I’m calm.

I found out years ago that my psyche deals with things a leetle differently than most people.  When I was involved in my first road accident,  the yound lady I was with noted that I was a cool as a cucumber before during and immediately after the destruction.  When I was in Kuwait,  before things got sparky with a small force of the Iraqi Republican Gaurd (in some shitty little national forest there, that was barely a grove of trees here) same thing; cool and relaxed with barely a hint of waiting tension. Like the steady state of a loaded spring.  When I had my little ‘spill’ on the Elkhorn, it was a problem to be worked, not a ‘shit my pants, ima gonna die’ moment.

I have no clue HOW  it works, I just know it does: to many times where people around me are losing thier shit, and I’m cool and relaxed ready for the next problem, complete emotional detachment from myself and the goings-on. Usually, if I am uptight, wont be shit for a reason. Like my kayaking, flat water has me more uptight than waves. And B can attest, I’m nervous nellie on the flat but smooth as ice when things get more vertical and curvy. The only time I get stressed is during verbal confrontations with other people; maybe its from knowing that if it goes physical, I have no off-switch,,,

For clarity, yes, I do have that “OMGOMGOMG” going on in part of my brain, but somewhere somehow some other life, I learned how to shut it in its own little box and shove it aside out the way. (And that ‘skill’ was present pre-USMC days, maybe the Corps just polished it up a bit.)

That part of my brain is in lockdown right now, but the warning signs don’t justify it, and that tells me somthing BIGGER is forthcoming. Or, that something much closer to home is about to go sideways. Thats the problem with this, I never have a clue until after the fact; I just know that when I go full calm, shits about to hit the fan.

I dunno, sometimes I get a clue from my pre-urges. Like in Kuwait, I had this demanding urge to triple check the action on my rifle ten minutes before we took incoming rounds. I’d just cleaned the rifle that morning, before we started convoy out of country, but damned if I wasn’t half breaking down my rifle checking shit WHILE DRIVING. My A-driver thought I was insane. I’m not getting that type of urge currently. I did make sure that my ammo and such were secure, but it was a cursory check; like patting your pockets to make sure you have your keys before you lock the doors.

Nope, no demanding urges, just calm and patient waiting.

All I can say is, “Watch your Six, know where your friends are, and keep your clothes and weapons where you can find them in the dark.” It may be a false alarm, but this feeling has never been false before.

Back to the Math

I guess I need to expand on my post from yesterday to illustrate better what my point was.

I want to put up, right from the start that I am not saying this bug is a nothing burger. I am saying that the reactions we are seeing are irresponsible and dangerous to an already unstable situation in the world. Said reactions are being fueled by fear mongering and potentially an ulterior motive yet to be resolved from present evidence. (I have suspicions, but don’t want to wander into tin-foil hat territory just yet.)

So, back to the math for a few.

Taking into account that this bug has been ‘rampaging’ since November, I will use the beginning of that month for my start date. Since inception, we are looking at 162 days. Knowing that some countries are no longer tracking this bug or reporting it to WHO, I am going to double the number to appease those that are in full ZOMG! status. Using the average daily death rate of the world for this, and the modified death rate of the bug, there is a 1198/180000 ratio daily. Listed as CoVid19/DDRof world, Rounding things off, this is 1/150. (recall, this is using the doubled rate. Actual numbers are just one in three hundred.)  (This doesn’t account for the death by bug vs entire population of world that I addressed yesterday.  I think that was where the breakdown in communication was.)

Wheres that 3.5% dying thing that some Media outlets were screaming about? Is it that we just haven’t hit the peak yet? Is it that we have ‘flattened the curve’ as designed? Think about it. One hundred fiftieth is a five hundred times better than three percent. No model covers what is being shown, not the flattening of the curve thing, not the projected growth models. None of them show this. WHY????

Because this is not the bug they thought it was. Whatever was released in China has or is evolving into a more benign version of itself. This happens in all virus’ because to be terminal in all stages means no more hosts! Its Darwinism at its finest.

There are some on the nets that say I am being unreasonable by saying that this thing is not as bad as proposed. That my viewpoint is ‘extreme’. I say they are being unreasonable as they aren’t looking at the bigger picture and taking into account the only point that is a non-variable. WE ALL DIE. Yeah, it sucks, it can be sad, and it is never convenient. But at some point we all visit that point. Its called LIFE!!!! You are born, you live, you die: end of story. The numbers we are seeing, DO NOT ADD UP TO JUSTIFY THE REACTIONS DISPLAYED!!!! In my opinion, the reactions are the EXTREME here. For all intents and purposes, this an openly aggressive power grab, robbing us of further liberties and freedoms. They will never relinquish what they have taken away, and only grudgingly allow us some back, until the next round of ‘whatever’ comes down the pike. And the majority of the people HAPPILY rolled over for it, and the rest either consented with minimal fuss, or some, such as myself, are trying to wake up the rest to what is really going on. As an individual, I can’t fight this with any weapons other than the one I am using. Words!

I have an advantage/handicap; depending on your outlook, by being sequestered in a quite rural area with a scattered population bearing no comparison to those metropolitan areas that are being hammered by this bug (hammered if you account for Media Bias, individual reporting underscores this as falsified information) I am also something of a hermit, there is a very small slice of society that I deal with on a regular basis. With that in mind, I have a bias against the mass insanity (as I see it) that is afflicting the nation. I also have the bias of an upbringing where when a child was diagnosed with chicken pox, all the mothers in the neighborhood would have a party to get all the kids together to get them all ‘infected’ so they could all get the shit out of the way and move on with life. This being an example of HERD IMMUNITY that we should be embracing right now, not this “hide under a rock and hope it goes away” attitude. There are those that would be far more susceptible to this bug, and they should sequester themselves for their own protection, but to have the entire society turn turtle is STUPID! The numbers just do not add up to that scenario. The effects of this will be far reaching, farther than the bug itself, and will, WILL have negative effects on those this bug would not have bothered in the least otherwise. Just the passing of the CARES act, which effectively doubled the national debt overnight with the stroke of a pen, has created long lasting effects that will continue into the next two generations not even born yet 1.

All to take care of a virus blown out of proportion by a fear mongering media system.

I am not asking for people to commit suicide by getting this bug and spreading it around. I am asking that people use the gray matter between their ears and THINK before jumping on the bandwagon of public opinion when that public opinion is the raft headed over the falls.

On a lighter note:

“OMG! How are we supposed to plan for this?”  The same way you plan for anything. There’s always an Arquillian Battle Cruiser, or a Corillian Death Ray, or an intergalactic plague that is about to wipe out all life on this miserable little planet.  What was the other lesson in that other movie?  DON’T PANIC.

1this statement made assuming that our currency doesn’t implode in the meantime. Not an assumption I think is solid. I sincerely believe that some group is TRYING to implode the system for reasons yet seen.



Still ain’t buyin’ it.

I keep looking around, watching the world charts of what this bug is doing (if accurate, could go either way on that note) and watching what Government is doing here locally nationally etc. Still ain’t buying it. Something isn’t ringing true. Numbers aren’t adding up, reactions are grossly out of caliber for the end result to be justified.

Its not the disease thats scaring me, its the inintended consequences of government spasms in the name of “public safety”. Financially the economies are tanking. At current trend, and with the Fed poised to start buying up everything to keep the velocity of money up, we are looking at the next Weimar republic scene, only this time it will cover multiple continents. When the economies explode in hyperinflation, JIT delivery systems go tits up (if not sooner if the gov locks down every major city and restricts travel liberties) JIT goes tits up, and people are next in line, after they shred the remnants of whats on the shelves of every mom n pop store and walmart.

And all for what, some smoke n mirrors show of force? Like another blogger has stated. Let them have this much leeway for this disease, what’s to stop them for the next one, or the one after that, or putting the entire country into lockdown because of “whatever” being construed BY THEM as a public safety concern.

Coldfury excerpts CS Lewis in this post and I must agree with the premise. None of us, NONE escape death. We are born dying, surrounded by so many different death options from day one. This ‘new bug’ is just another in a long list of many, that MAY take you over to the next plane of existence. Suck it up because the odds are actually in your favor that it WON’T!!!! And lets face it; while dying scares purt much everybody, we all have to face it eventually. Yeah it sucks, isn’t pretty, usually painful, but it just IS. If its you, it truly sucks, if its someone close to you, it still sucks and should be counted as a trial run for when its your turn. And if its not someone you know, or are close to, breath a sigh of relief and get back to keeping on: you dodged the bullet this time, but there are more where that one came from and eventually,,,

But, for whatever reason, which completely escapes me unless my suspicions are correct, our fearless Leaders that wanna Be, think they are protecting us.

The only ‘upside’ that I see right now? People are all becoming preppers. Recent trip to grocery showed a serious dent in stock of flour, beans, dry noodles, and other long term storage stuff that can make pretty much anything. The entire aisle of vegetable oils was bare, gone. Like I said to boss, if you have vegetable oil, flour and some salt and pepper, you can cook rat and make it taste like chicken. (Side note, there was toilet paper still on the shelf, just not much, LOL)

I’ve said it to several people in meatspace, in texts, even across VoIP; what I am seeing is, IMO, a cover for collapsing the economy so that defaults on obligations can take place without instigating retribution from creditors. It doesnt matter “who” created and released the bug, all the big players are responding in kind with similar actions and all of them are using it to scare the shit out of their own people.

And if I’m wrong? So what. If I’m right, so what. I’m just one little fish in a great big sea of fish. The bubbles I’m making, float away just like everybody elses.

It all comes down to being sick n tired of all the hype n negativity being amplified over the good in life. If you only live with venom and sewage, you see nothing else. Get out and try to see something good for once. Do it before they make it so you need permission or a badge, or whatever option the currently evolving police state we reside in comes up with. Cowering away in fear is pointless and pathetic.


LOL, one of Bowies all time best.

But face it, changes are really all we know now. Things have accelerated into the ‘blink and you’ll miss it’ stage years back, and the throttle is still wide open.

Even here, the changes keep coming; maybe at a slower pace, but happening even as you read this.

Y’all know I am never without a book in my possession, constantly “edumicatin’ ” myself, knowing I will never ‘know it all’ but never settling for ‘good enough ‘. Heck, just the recent project of” writing a how to manual “taught me, and reinforced some areas, and corrected fallacies in others. Its always a good thing when you can improve yourself and situation and the book did that before I ever hit the publish button. Maybe it will continue to do so afterwards.

One of the books I am reading right now is “life after Google” by George Gilder. George is something of a prophet in the tech worlds and when he speaks, many listen. You can find out more about him by reading the wiki about him. But his book, its gotmetathinkin’.

We live in fast times. Fast communication being the foundation to , almost the driving force behind it. Examples: nano second micro trades on wallstreet: where they are trading for percentages of growth several hundred times a second. Not at all possible without lightening quick comms. My writing and publishing a book with worldwide distribution in less then 3 weeks: not possible 20-30 years ago.

And if you think I’m harping against it, bear with me. Change is never comfortable, but change is all we know now.

Keep in mind what I am reading for a few as I change lanes. I’ll bring it all together at the rest stop.

For the past 12 years since just before Oblammy-o-boy lied on a bible, after the Fed started “QE to infinity and beyond”, people, myself included, have been going on and on and on about “that which can’t continue, won’t ” and yet, we see more and more propping up and the house of cards still stands. We see signs of unrest everywhere, especially in Europe, but even here in the States to a lesser degree, and it all stems from one point, out of control governments grasping at straws to maintain power.

Georges book talks about how certain powers are the dinosaur wrestling with the black tar of the pits. He even shows why they are in trouble and unsustainable.

They can’t evolve anymore; they are stuck in the paradigm they wrote for themselves and can’t see the trap under the dust covered surface of the tar.

I’m hearing more and more, 2020-2022 as the window when the hockey stick ‘growth’ of the markets hits correction (in a freefall manner from all descriptions)

Before you start to scoff look here for a second.

See that little ‘bump’ between 1920 and 1940? THAT was before the “Great Depression” . Contemplate the depth of that time for a moment. Consider the size of the bubble; then and now.

What happened? Why that upward curve to the moon? Two things: loss of a gold standard for one, which created the fiat currency we all take for granted. That opened the sluice gate. The other reason was government, out of control and losing all restraint as time went by.

So what does this have to do with ‘life after google’? Well, if George is right, and I see signs from other sources that he has the right heading programmed in, blockchain and cryptocurrency is the next step in our evolution. Blockchain is the area where you are going to want to start your learning curve because it will be the foundation of all that follows, like our high speed communications and endless information flows. I have reason to believe that when the house falls and the dust is settling, every major government is going to be tying its physical currencies to one of the several cryptocurrencies floating around out there. That will be the only way they will be able to hold the reins of power. If that happens, its only a short stop to when megaplexcorporations start to tumble. TBtF banks will be hard hit if not swallowed whole during the transition. Why?

Because blockchain puts all the control back into the hands of the holder. The holders will be everyone that uses them, IE every single one of us.

On my other page about PGP, you are introduced to crypto, that public key/private key is where blockchain starts. Your public key will hold a chain to everything about you and only YOU can decrypt that. (Heed the warnings I post on that page, they become even more important as this grows) ( a similar tech, but not the same application. Stay tuned for more) (I am even seeing efforts to make blockchain for voting and it even was used in a couple of states recently. This is not a gimmick, its very very real.)

Where does that put little guys like you and I? Heading upwards if you keep your wits about you. There will be so many changes coming so fast, no one can say where it will all go. What we have seen so far is going to look like a snail and slug race when this ball lets loose.

I know it seems out of line with my blog in general, but look at it as a prep. Information is king of the world right now, who controls that info is in essence king as well, that is currently Google. When this thing breaks loose, google is going to get knocked flat. Be ready because then the ball is in the air and
