Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it – no matter if I have said it! – except it agree with your own reason and your own common sense.” – Siddhartha Gautama, a.k.a. the Buddha

A long tURsdaY,,,

Started of wearing the “Fabricator” hat, made a guillotine latch for Son of Bossmans Carport that we are enclosing with tin.   I was doing that while the others were busy passing time in one way or another as we waited out the rain.   So far this week, the weather-liars are being pretty danged accurate, sometimes to the minute,,,   Scary,,,,  Today was another one of those ‘In the Black’ moments for them.   9 oclock, and the skies started clearing, winds out of the south to blow off the westerly muck we have been under. 

Then spent the majority of the day being stoopervisor/lead/grunt, installing a privacy fence behind a funeral home.    Has anyone else noted that most all funeral directors look like someone poured them into thier suits?   Never good fits; more like that $100 special from JCPenny, and chosen one size too big in case they put on weight.   Apologies, just a passing observation,,,

And towards the late middle of day, Son of and Bossman showed up, showed off Son’s new high-fallutin’ Ram Dually his daddy bought him. (Is a Matchbox collectable thing,,, not the real deal,   he was making a lot of fun over that.) and asked me to make a run to a powered gate we installed a ways back, a little late diag needed,,, So my day went over-time.     All good, gate issue was a dying battery in the keypad,,, swap out with new, triple check function, text Son of with details, and on with MY part of the day.

Due to the late nature of my day,  I did a no-no: bought a heart-attack in a sack for dinner.   Christ,,,  I can eat cheaper and BETTER by going for Chinese buffets.    Fact is, I hate eating past 5, 6 pm latest.   If I do eat past that time, I am up ALL DAMNED NIGHT, and not because of any issues; just that I ate late and the bod is confuzzed,,,,   Like having a pot of coffee after 5 will wire me to the gills and by the time I finally collapse, its time to get up and do it again.   (If I state I am drinking coffee late in the day, I am writing, you can lay money on it.)  I may not have the metabolism I had when I was thirty, but the metabolism I do have is NOT that of 55yo.  Its a large part of why my kayaky-krew (and myself) make jokes about my skinny butt and narrow boats. (of which I have a strong preference for, which also means I have to search in OldSkool boats for ‘new’ toys.)  

It’s been a looonnnnnggggg day, but a fruitful one.   Bank run is out of the way, and I will be paying the billage over the weekend, All ahead of schedule.   Can’t complain about that.  Not going to hurt either,,, was a good week even if not the full 40: close enough that comfort is built into the scale.   My only desire right now is for the end of month to hurry up: the first group get-together at the lake is the last week of the month, of which I will be able to make the last 2 1/2 days of.    Need that face to face with friends.

y’all take care

keep on livin’

One response

  1. Ah, diurnals. Schedules that… work. I have the “fun” of being nocturnal for $JOB, and then adjusting things (melatonin is my friend… oh yes). And then take a break and switch to diurnal… and after that, switch BACK.

    “How do you night workers DO THAT?”

    “Caffeine, melatonin, and weirdness… if you’re lucky. Mess up any of those and you might find that violence is indeed an option.”

    Liked by 1 person

    May 10, 2024 at 7:32 am

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