Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it – no matter if I have said it! – except it agree with your own reason and your own common sense.” – Siddhartha Gautama, a.k.a. the Buddha

Monday evening’ fastball

Not much to talk about.

The usurper of Stormin’ Normans Glory is dead from the COOF (fully vaxxed supposedly) and the webs are all like “Meh!!!”.

Just another stoolie of the deep state down, four hundred thousand and six to go. Whhoooohoooozzzz

Started glassing the Cockpit coaming tonight. A little trickier than I expected so I am going to do it in sections with overlap. Had to get the Mat since no-one seemed to have any fabric available. Works, and maybe I should have stayed with the idea of using left over Nylon from Serenas build. I chose instead to use the glass since it should be more rigid. Gonna have a lot of stress in that area, between stretched skin, and sprayskirt, and my rolling it into water and maybe needing to wet exit. Yeah, rigid was the way to go.

Typical Monday at the J.O.B.,, nothing worth talking about,,,

Screwed up a bit today too. Well, two weeks ago. Scheduled a CC payment for last Monday, but being Silly WHITE SUPREMACIST EXPLORER DAY, figured the Bank just dropped it. WELLLLSSSSssssss. Apparently I just hit the wrong date in the calender for TODAY. So, I made a payment last week, and another one first thing this morning. Not complaining, it just means that I move one of my purchases to next week. I like seeing that low number on my CC, but it did put a damper on my plans a touch.

Cold here, looks like its going to be with us a couple weeks before we get that weird summers last gasp. Kittehs are firmly planted near the wood stove with NO intention of looking outside while its KOLD. Mamakat is still doing her GrumpyKat thing, but she is a long haired Kat and digs on cold weather (but HATEZ snow. Icky ice between the toes-ies, nastiesssss).

Still watching things, and still betting on that Thanksgiving surprise mentioned a day or two ago. Somehow, I think the wrap up of this year is going to be 2021 saying “hold my beer” to 2020.

2 responses

  1. I seem to remember Stormin’ Norman as being a bigger factor in the victory than Powell, too. Always liked his “Are you stuck on stupid?” comment to the press. Not an a$$kisser, but someone who was competent.


    October 28, 2021 at 5:21 pm

    • Which is why they had to replace him with someone more ‘diverse’.


      October 28, 2021 at 7:09 pm