Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it – no matter if I have said it! – except it agree with your own reason and your own common sense.” – Siddhartha Gautama, a.k.a. the Buddha

Blissful weekend

Two days in a row.   not the same lake so this day didn’t hit as strongly as last did. Not the same boat: took Lyssa out on her post-operative cruise.   She is sound again. 


It still worked to wind me down and get my soul unwound,

and get rained on.  Again.  LOL

Thunder growlers wandering around now, and home resisting the heavy eyelids I get when the Negative Ions are top heavy, as they are right now.

yeah,,, paddled out a couple miles to a spot I have eyeballed a time or two, about two miles of water under the keel to get there.  Pulled to shore, and set-up a little camp,,, Nothing krazzee, just my PFD as a seat pad, camp stove to make some coffee, and CHILL OUT.   No pics,,, wasn’t anything exciting or new to me out there, and y’all have seen multiple pictures of that church.   Only big difference between the two lakes (besides size) is NO MOTOBOATS,,,   This lake gets chop from wind and thats IT, rest of the time is glass flat waters.  

BUT, that lack of boats made for PEACEFUL SILENCE out there, and I found my meditative state with almost zero effort.    DIdn’t realize it at the time, but I spent over two hours just sitting there, total ZEN out.   Butterflies were in force, and even had one that thought my coffee was interesting, though she never landed.   I swear, when there are that many, you can almost hear them singing.    Nothing intelligble mind you, they are the epitome of ‘FLutterheads’ afterall; more like the lalalalalallal songs little kids make up  because they don’t know the words,,,   That little ‘song’ had me mind wandering all sorts of paths from ‘such short lives, yet so much life while here’, to ‘look at that one crossing the lake,, In size comparison, she is flying 50 miles,,,,’  

Its the appreciation of what Mama-nature has created that always puts me back on track.   The areas I paddle to,,,   They were there before us, and will be there when we are gone.  The flutter of wings on a butterfly in this world are comparible to US in the great wide Universe,,, brief sparks, and so small,,,,   


Ready for the week now.

Keep on livin’

2 responses

  1. Good for you Dio! I got out to our local lake myself today, though I was on foot, not in the water… Saw a dude in a recreational kayak-one of those open cockpit, plastic things- with a big ol’ floofey dog riding up in the bow. I think he was the navigator. They seemed to be having a helluva good time! Yesterday is dumped buckets all day, but today was a gorgeous day for a walk around the lake, amongst the trees and the critters!

    Liked by 1 person

    May 6, 2024 at 12:34 am

    • Mike in FLA.

      Dam good fer ya both! Sounds like that rec kayak had the best possible navigator – and a good time ta boot!!

      Dam, wish we could get somma that liquid sunshine here ’bouts. Dam dry ’round here. So called grass is plum brown. And no – I ain’t a-gonna water.

      Then again, when the rains are amongst us, we’ll likely (definitely) be bitchin about all the rain! Is whut it is. So goes the cycle. My garden will be pleased, though🥂🥃.

      Y’all take care & stay livin,
      Mike in FLA.

      Liked by 2 people

      May 6, 2024 at 5:10 pm

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