Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it – no matter if I have said it! – except it agree with your own reason and your own common sense.” – Siddhartha Gautama, a.k.a. the Buddha

Waiting room blahs,,,,

Buffalo is getting new shoes today.  Of course, mid afternoon, busy shop, Memorial day weekend dead ahead,,,

Sigh ,,,

Waiting rooms suck,,,  

But tires are one of those things that, while I could do it redneck-like; MUCH prefer someone else get their front feet dirty doing,  and with the tools to do it RIGHT.   And willing to pay the little bit extra for.

Only true bonus at this place: ZERO diversity hires in site.  All bearded rednecks with grimy nails and that wrench knowledgeable twinkle in the eye.  That twinkle might also be from some elicit ‘partaking’,  but I would bet these guys used old bearing races as teething rings in their diaper days.   Buff is good hands, IMO.

Yeah,  pay was that good this week, that I decided to just go for it on all four corners of Buffy.    Not too bad,  bought three, and the fourth ‘free’  ((TANSTAAFL!!!))

And I won’t be regretting the choice come Twosday when I return to the J.O.B.  

LONG holiday weekend,  short week upcoming, then LAKETIME WITH KAYAK-Y KREW!!!!  

Feelin’ just a touch anxious for that, ready for the company of Brudda B n Fam, Lil Bubs smilin’ face (who ISNT so Little anylonger,,,) and the Gi-normous horses the B calls his dawgs,,, Sasha n Riggs.

So’s, come the afternoon this upcoming turdsday,,,,,

More laters

2 responses

  1. Nothing like a new set of shoes to put a spring in your step!
    Enjoy your water time! I may get in a little myself, life has been a bit “trying” but since I’m not working Monday I might squeak a set in – that is if the waves decide to be cooperative thst day! That seems to be my (bad) luck the last few months… have time, no waves. Great waves, no free time…

    Liked by 1 person

    May 24, 2024 at 3:15 pm

    • Kinda similar here, great waves, but winds that are WAY above my skillset, or mirror flat water 😐


      May 24, 2024 at 3:17 pm