Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it – no matter if I have said it! – except it agree with your own reason and your own common sense.” – Siddhartha Gautama, a.k.a. the Buddha

A most blessed Pupper

Y’all ‘member Peanut

Wellssss,,,  her name is now (for now) Nellie,  and she recently took an airplane ride to Paducah KY.  She is now in a pittie rescue, IS getting the surgery she needs (amputation from a broke leg she picked up after I took her back to work.  She found out what happens when you catch the car 😞)

The lil’girl has lots of love in her, and would have been MORE THAN welcome to join the tribe at the J.O.B., only she was VERY aggressive to outsiders,   like Garbage men and the UPS guy,,, 

From what Son of Bossman was telling me,  she completely won over the hearts of the people at BOTH shelters,   enough to get a donated plane ride clear across the state of  KY, literally corner to corner of the state. That ain’t cheap!!! (And the look on her face in the window of that plane,,, Oh lord! I’m in for it now!!!!  lol.  )   (says much about her demeanor that they put her in that plane FREE,  not in a crate, she is that cool about things, that trusting of those she meets. (cepting garbage doods and UPS,,,,)

So she’ll become a tripod doggie, and probably get even more loving as she grows into her new world.  

I wish the furries ALL the best, and she is getting hers: a forever home, somewhere.

4 responses

  1. Mike in FLA

    Dam sure hate to hear ’bout the amputation! Sure as hell coulda been worse – whole buncha worse!! Very glad to hear that she handled it well, too. Hopefully, she chills a bit with the aggression. My best as well to Peanut/Nellie, too👍

    Gotta cut it short – in the middle of inventorying all my new goodies – well, those that’r here anyway😁🥂🍻

    Y’all take care & stay livin,
    Mike in FLA.

    Liked by 1 person

    May 23, 2024 at 1:56 pm

    • Yah, I wasn’t real happy about hearing she would need to lose the leg, but seeing how (last I saw her IRL) she was getting around, she won’t notice the difference other than the loss of dead wieght. (I can only hope she stops chasing buicks,,,) She’s one of the several drop-offs we get a year, and she hit the lottery in a way. Timing wasn’t right for me to take her, though I did try, but seems it worked even better to her favor.


      May 23, 2024 at 3:18 pm

  2. $HOUSEMATE used to donate air-time (private pilot) to moving dogs around. I think that only happened once or twice, and once it was set of flight as pilots relayed the dog across a few states. The dogs got where they needed to be, the pilots got to fly (with the dogs), and they had a mission.

    The only reason this is no longer the case is that the 2008 election killed the economy and the personal plane… well, can’t make payments without a job. Summers of “Recovery” my under-tail.

    Liked by 1 person

    May 24, 2024 at 12:22 pm

    • Kudos to $HOUSEMATE!!!! I can fully understand why such became a thing of the past, I saw the airfuel prices recently,, ppl think road fuel is out there,,,, I figured it took well over $300 fuel costs, ONE WAY, to get Peanut to Paducah,,,


      May 24, 2024 at 2:03 pm