Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it – no matter if I have said it! – except it agree with your own reason and your own common sense.” – Siddhartha Gautama, a.k.a. the Buddha

No predictions

Only a statement that 50 years down the road (if there are any to say then) the writers of history will point and say “THIS was when WW3 began” 

only I think it started much earlier.   The strangest part of ‘this war’ is that the governments are against their very peoples.   All the western world is coming apart at the seams while the orient is growing stronger, ORIENT being the asian world to include Russia: call it old world nomenclature of territory.

There are some articles out there circulating showing how all those aligned with BRICS are the opposite pole of the West, and how they are moving forward away from the old centralized thinks,,, still somewhat centralized as there are reasons to hold on to that, what with Mass Armed governments that still hold to the EMPIRE thinks,,,  Hard to have an Arms Industry when everything goes locallocallocal,,,  Especially when you are building things like hypersonic missiles.    

What I don’t get it, is the tit-for-tat mentality,,,   You stomp someones embassy, then get all Ire’d up when they retalliate,,,,   Shit seems so ‘Fifth Grade’ hormone soaked pre-teen angsty,,,     Can we please get the adults back at the heads of state again?

Yeah, yeah,,, I know,,,,   When have we EVER had adults in heads of state?   Even the majority of monarchs were childish in their ways (still are in many of those still around,,,)

At least could we get rid of the dunderheaded profit grabbers?   That would be a start anyways,,,   

more laters,,,

One response

  1. Mike in FLA

    This is, indeed, the strangest war that I’ve seen! The war in The West (applies to others as well) – against their own people, no less – is simply (or not so simply) for the rulers to maintain their own power over others. They could give 2 shits about their countries – just like the one we’re saddled with. They’d prefer to rule over ashes & bleached bones, rather than not be ‘The Rulers’!

    And, as far as the M.E. goes, except for the fact that their childish bullshit could have a rather severe effect on the rest on us, they’re acting just like spoiled chilluns – be nice if’n there were any adults to take charge (maybe the sound of some leather clearing belt loops? Nah, needs to be a LOT more severe than that!). Ropes, wood, hammers & nails (although tree limbs and lamp posts will do), some assembly required – repeat as necessary. In reality – ain’t gonna happen.

    I’m with ya on the ‘profit grabbers’, too.

    Ah well – back to the Hoppes #9 and CLP. At least I can have some enjoyment & pleasure!🥂

    Y’all take care & stay livin,
    Mike in FLA.

    Liked by 1 person

    April 16, 2024 at 6:37 am