Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it – no matter if I have said it! – except it agree with your own reason and your own common sense.” – Siddhartha Gautama, a.k.a. the Buddha

Gasp, wheez. Wha???

We’ll be a better country when we start getting some truthful answers.


Go RTWT, but seriously, that last line had me choke and spluttern’ for several minutes.

I. M. O. there is only one way we will ever get truthful answers and the producers of such would be able to claim “under duress” because we would have to water board every stinkin’ one of them.

And there is only one way I can see that happening and I do NOT see much acceleration in that direction.

What I am seeing is more apathy ” just let it crash and we’ll pick up the peices”…

At the J.O.B. moar later

One response

  1. Mike

    Don’t believe water boarding will be enuff. IMO, it’ll hafta be a mite stronger.

    I don’t see much acceleration here, either. Except in a bad way.

    That apathy thing is pretty wide spread all over from what I see from my somewhat limited perspective. Not sure about the effects of the “Let it burn” idea, but I kinda lean toward that idea myself. Dunno, but as much as I don’t wanna see that happen, it looks like that might be best in the long run. Helluva way to find out though. We shall see.

    Best regarding the J.O.B. Glad I don’t have that particular problem anymore (kinda wish I did sometimes though – more for *some* of the peeps than anything else).

    Y’all take care,


    January 3, 2023 at 6:22 pm