Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it – no matter if I have said it! – except it agree with your own reason and your own common sense.” – Siddhartha Gautama, a.k.a. the Buddha

and the optimist side

Yeah, there is an optimism in my world that I don’t share very often. Like this weekend upcoming, spending time with ‘the GANG’ celebrating our New Year post new years. it not likely any of the ‘shit’ of the world will be mentioned or even touched on. More like we will be working on toys, making plans for our springsummerfall get-togethers and talking kayaks and kayaking in general. or kamping, or FOOD. we all like to eat, (and why I work so hard to maintain my narrow ass self.)

BUT, there is a lot more to be optimistic about than just my immediate local thngs. Sarah points them out here how we really aren’t as bad off as it seems. Rough? yes! in the ditches? not just yet.

and its easy to get distracted by the LENSES* we wear through our days. but when you take a look at the bigger picture, long term, we are rapidly hitting that decentralized state we were in before Kings started declaring solid borders, where language more deteremined what country you were in more than if you were on this or that side of some river/ridge/moutain,,,,

A lot of places have crazy authorities, but not the whole world. we’re not enslaved by the Tech Lords (and what a pitiful lot those turned out to be) and the agencies trying to subjugate us are not all powerful, more along the lines of a bunch of venal chuckleheads. Annoying, with no morals and insane, but not all powerful. It could be worse.

I look around, I see people still doing the same old same old. It costs more now than it did in 2019 and sometimes you have to get something a little different because what you want isn’t available anylonger for whatever reason,,, BUT we keep moving forward in our lives. And I think that eats at the heart of those that wish to rule more than we realize. That they want us subjected is beyond doubt, that they went full bore before their time and flat stole not one but TWO (s)election cycles to hold on to that power shows, at least to me, just how little they actually hold. They have access to the purse strings, but they do not have control over the engine that powers that purse. They keep trying to kill that engine, thinking they can control the world if only we were all dependent on them, not realizing that THEY are the ones dependent on US: without US, they wouldn’t be able to do anything at all.

Honestly, why we tolerate these asshats at all astounds me, but that we do is without question: they are there in DC mucking the whole of this nation.

but for how much longer? Thats the real question in my little world. Will we see the turn around begin in my lifetime, what little remains of it? Or will my grans be the fighters and rebuilders?

I’m a rational optimist with a pessimistic front. I think we ARE seeing the turn around beginning, right now, and spurred by the fact that they jumped the shark and pulled off thier masks in 2020. People are more aware now of how screwy the whole system had become, reeking more of hyena than Eagle. And I think there is an unspoken agreement that the more we ignore them, the more desperate they become and the harder they push that accelerator driving this monstrosity over the cliff. that we no longer have brakes or are on the rails no longer matters. It becomes more “how much longer before we can start the rebuild?”

Me thinks sooner than later. But there are no gaurantees, and will be no silver parachutes. And no one is coming to save us. We are it!!! Prepare accordingly.

* called our Enemedia and other outlets we scroll through daily, but not often outside of those things. more is going on than just what we are told even by those that are on ‘our side’.

3 responses

  1. I suspect there is a lot of… Cultural Inertia? That is, with no idea of what new to do. the great many will continue to at least go through the motions. What will happen, and when, I do not know, but I suspect there will be a sort of Great Realization and afterwards everyone will claim to have seen it coming all along and were just waiting for everyone else to catch up. And almost all will be lying to everyone, including themselves, in a(n attempted) sanity-(and face-)preserving move.

    Liked by 2 people

    January 4, 2023 at 5:49 am

    • and Cultural Inertia may be what I am seeing and attributing a bigger image to. Apathy is real though, people are sick of the Gaslighting and that builds much faster than the CI, which will hinder change. People don’t like abrupt change, tolerate slow change grudgingly, prefering to stay with the ‘tried and true’; even if that has proven to be a disaster.


      January 4, 2023 at 6:55 am

  2. Spud

    Even now after it has been looked into, adjudicated and signed off as pure bs.
    By not just the majority , but a fair part of the opposition.
    The big lie , was just one man’s opinion . Most are finally dissolving their loyalty to his bs.
    Doesn’t mean that they are partisan to the other side.
    Just means they smell the stink.
    Just cause the outhouse stinks , ya don’t want to burn it down.
    Ya still gotta crap in those woods .

    Hire fixers not wheel greasers


    January 4, 2023 at 6:57 am