Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it – no matter if I have said it! – except it agree with your own reason and your own common sense.” – Siddhartha Gautama, a.k.a. the Buddha

My take on The “Joe’s gotta prob” meltdown

FIrst point in order,,, Someone in the CNN hiearchy was given orders to stop covering,,, That much seems quite obvious with the 180 Degree shift from just 24 hours lead-up to the debate,,,

Second point in order,,, SCOTUS drops two rather heavy decisions into the fray the very next day.  Decisions that give Ammo to a POTUS that would like to streamline a FedGov,,,,   THIS IS NOT ACCIDENTAL,, This is all scripted,,,  I would bet there were two options on both counts depending on how that debate went down.

And then the dead cat bounce thing in the markets,,,

Watching it all, seeing how the usual talking heads are handling things, the hoopla over ‘who replaces the Corpse in Chief’, How the hell is the DNC going to pull a switch so close to the (S)election cycle and make their choice onto state ballots (recall, there has been a bit of stink over the timing of the convention and cut offs in certain states)

We’re being played people,,,   Things are not as they seem.   BCE nails it in his assessement that JFK was the LAST actual Presidential Choice this country has seen.  The rest have all been cardboard cutouts to give the illusion of choice to keep the charade going.

I would like to think that A change in the Gaurd at the Executive level will quiet the mess going on in Europe, and we can stop the madness that is escalating into WW3 with a quickness,,, 

But I can’t: the actual War is ongoing, its not being fought with bullets and bombs, but Memes and propaganda, Societal brainwashing, and money.    The Kinetic stuff that is taking place is part of the game, but is not the game itself,,, “We have always been at war with Eurasia”  

And that model is failing,,, its hard to see, but the cracks are there.  Decentralized everything is gaining,,, Home educators are growing, and that builds the foundation for the rest.    The old gaurd; the boomers, and yes, us Gen-X to some extent, are on the way out.

I’m gonna stop here,,, the black pill is strong today,   

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  1. Pingback: About that “Debate” | The Elegant Ungulate

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