Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it – no matter if I have said it! – except it agree with your own reason and your own common sense.” – Siddhartha Gautama, a.k.a. the Buddha

The War on Weeds is back on, FULL,,,,

Gawdalmightee,,, $9 carburator, Feels like a friggin $300 BRAND NEW mower,,,,

35 minutes later, Yard is (mostly) done,,,   No boggy rpm’s on the hill,,, Rolled right over the HayFeild out side my door and never balked.     The war on weeds is back on, in full, and I’m winning again.   

Now, I am sitting here typing this out, dripping all over everything even after my cold shower to wash the sweat and weedclippngs off, and its


It’s amazing how when things work well, the job is not intimidating,,,

And now the Da won’t be on my ass about it (as much,,, We’re talking Da here,,,)

Apolitical commentary forthcoming,,, Not interested in tapping that out in this heat at present,,,,    AND, My take is not giong to line up exactly with the stuff I am seeing on the webs,,,,   More curmudgeonly, maybe even conspiracy theorist level, or could be defined that way.

more laters,,, hot, want beer, and mama-kat wants Kow, which I forgot to get on the way home,,,,

One response

  1. Spud

    politically ? Of course it’s all rigged.

    if you know that no one has the fortitude to do what is necessary. Then to retain their wealth , they must crash the economy world wide….


    June 29, 2024 at 2:28 am

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