Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it – no matter if I have said it! – except it agree with your own reason and your own common sense.” – Siddhartha Gautama, a.k.a. the Buddha

I wAtCHeD it, sorta

Ok, not the whole danged thing, but enough to see

1: Joe is not capable. Mumblmumblmumblmubbl

2: this was a scripted SET UP,  but not th way I expected (more on that in a minute)

3: my original thought of ‘plans are already in motion ‘ by actors we never see, still holds

I watched up to when Tapper told Trump  ‘then you can do whatever you want to’.  These were words from the controllers behind the scenes to Trumped: ‘play along now’   That was part of the script and one that reinforced what I have been thinking: they are gonna let him win,  but he won’t  get to play like he keeps saying he will.  It’s gonna be another stonewalled administration for more of the same old same old; just like his first 4 years.  All to keep the plebes placated and quiet .   

Epstiens list will remain top secret, Hunters laptop will fade away again, no one will be investigated for anything and the border will remain open. 

Change my mind,  

I have a J.O.B. to do,  a truck that needs wrenched on, and kayaks that want to play,

In otherwords, A LIFE TO LIVE

And this shit,,,,,

More later

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