Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it – no matter if I have said it! – except it agree with your own reason and your own common sense.” – Siddhartha Gautama, a.k.a. the Buddha

Reads and Thinks,,,,

Ok, this’un is LONNNGGGGGGGGG   And I don’t wanna post a TL:DR but quick synopsis: FAFO!   And our Government has been FA’ing for a LONG time (80 years since WWII, over a 100 since THEFED )  I’ve talked about the BRICS here a time or three,,, All of the inroads are in place, movements are being made and if things keep on current course and speed (IE, We don’t lose this pathetic $haministration and its puppet masters) we are going to get hit hard, sideways, and upside down,,,,    So, Keep on Preppin’ cause there doesn’t seem to be any hint of Sanity returning anytime soon

Someone else saying something that the “right” has been saying for over a year now.

Personally, I think if that side TRIES to install Gruesome, shit will escalate wildly, no matter who ‘wins’,,,,   Gruesome may have the looks and quote all the right lines, but he has KILLED Kalifornia, Now known as Kommiefruitopia (apologies Jay, just speaking the truth,,,   And I do love California, at least what my memories of it are,,, Certainly not the same as current reality.)

In that first linkie, there is mention of Trump making plans to cut the Federal Income Tax, raising revenues through Tarifs instead (WHAT?!?!  You mean like they did BEFORE 1913?  )   Only way that can work is by gutting the agencies from the dole of Work-Fare, flooding the market with a bunch of people with little to no actual private sector experiance.   (Hey, Come to work for my J.O.B.   you’ll feel right at home punching holes and shoveling dirt,,,,Don’t forget the sunscreen!)  Truth be told, I am ALL For that!   Kill the Federal Reserve while at it, declare a hold on all debt until such time as the books can be audited for legitimacy, and if found ‘off’ the funds clawed back from those that grifted and grafted their way into billionaire status at the cost of the taxpayer.   Do EXACTLY what the Current Regime is trying to do with Siezed Russian assets to fund the ‘KrainianKlownKarKarnage. (mentioned twice in that first link, Do RTWT)

The down side to that ‘cut’,,, welfare would need completely re-vamped and only the SSI should be maintained.   EACH SSD recipient would have to PROVE essential need, and not be some deadbeat living in Mama’s basement eating cheetos and playing playstation all day because they have ZERO skills or ambition.  Those that are poppin’ out the Babbies for a check from UnkaShuga are going to be having a hard time of it and better find one of those baby-daddies and dig pitons in to hold in place.  (Choose wisely girlie-girl, there are more than a few that are pure shit no matter how you slice them.)

Yeah,,, no matter how I look at things, the future after December 2024 is looking like storm weather. And the (S)Election will only be a deciding factor in WHICH DIRECTION THE STORM ROLLS.  Rough and tumble either way, and more than a few are going to fall through the cracks and get lost in the tempest.   I pity them, I do, but at the same time, there is something to be said for the ability to look forward and prepare for less than optimal conditions.   I don’t go kayaking without looking at weather forecasts and I wouldn’t suggest trying to live without keeping a pulse on politics and world economics.  Both may not be “your reality” but both have tenticles in your reality and DO effect you.  (No?   then why are you paying the same amount I am for gasoline for your ride?   If your reality wasn’t effected by the above two conditions, you wouldn’t be paying much at all for anything, much like we were in the 80’s.  )

Hat tip to the Minotaur.

And I am probably going to sound odd here: I am looking forward to it.   Not because I am sadistic, but because I want to see what happens,, Are we going to get our asses tromped on by the BRICS and take decades to recover?  OR are we going to get tossed into a low-key civil war all while the FEDGOV goes about  fixing its image on the world stage and lets the PEOPLE figure out how to make do without all the bells and whistles we have grown to take for granted. 

And I do rather hope THIS makes a comeback.   May sound odd since I really prefer to avoid confrontation.   BUT, that Honor thing kept the world civil: completely counter-intuitive, I know.   Seriously, if you KNEW that someone was ALLOWED/ENCOURAGED to call you out on your bullshit, you would be MUCH MORE INCLINED to keep your bullshit close to the chest and out of the arenas of society.

Lord knows, it would save a shit-ton in Judicial fees.

And I see many lawyers being the first called to task at dawn.  Many many have been bent over backwards in sham-trials and might want a little payback.

I see a ressurgence of DUELING as a harbringer of solid ethics being brought back into common use.  


Didn’t make it to the lake today.   BUT, I did get the Buffalo back into FULL service.   Had to spend a little extra and buy new calipers (triple what I would have paid if I could have ordered them,,, that convienence thing costs ya.) but, I was able to get the brakes bled good and proper AND now have one less item of future things that may need attention.

I then went to the Chinese Buffet for dinner in celebration for my efforts.   $15 meal and I did my usual and overdid it.   About time for food coma to hit   I do one thing right,,, I avoid the carbs and go for mad meats and fish,,,   Lots of fishies on my plates, almost no carbs other than whats cooked in, and avoid the noods/ricey stuff.     The girls at this restuarant know me and my wyrd ways,,, Big glass of ice and Green tea on the side (no water,, I chill the greentea with the ice.)   digestion is fast, but for a bit, I wallow like a stuffed walrus. (BTW, the green tea REALLY pulls the flavor up in some of the dishes, making them even BETTER!)

but, now, food coma/naptime and then figure out what the rest of my weekend looks like. (like maybe fix that defunct Franken-mower? meh-be?)

Keep on livin’

One response

  1. Spud

    simply a matter of velocity at which we devolve to total anarchy.

    This being the only real difference in who we select for politics. The result will be the same no matter.

    Yeah , I too still wish to live through the end result. Just cos inquiring minds wanna know.

    The truth is out there. Problem is, no one knows what it is…

    Liked by 1 person

    June 16, 2024 at 7:32 am

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