Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it – no matter if I have said it! – except it agree with your own reason and your own common sense.” – Siddhartha Gautama, a.k.a. the Buddha

My biggest conundrum

this is not a Memorial Day post; that comes tomorrow.

The Conundrum:  Forgiveness.  Just how far is ‘enough’?    Forgiveness is NOT JUST a Christian aspect; its embodied in most all religions and philosophies (excepting Islam, though they suggest ‘forgiveness’ of allies; at least enough to regroup,,,)

slight lane shift here: I ask that y’all forgive me for my discombobulated state these days.    I am feeling VERY distracted and off center, not because of world events, but Mamakat,,,   She is preggers, full of hormones and CLINGY AS ALL GET OUT,,,   I haven’t had a moments peace at home in two weeks, and finding solace here has been,,, ‘Taxed’,,,   This, from an 8# kat that shouldn’t be able to get pregnant.  NOTE: after these kittens are weaned, shes going to get ‘fixed’,, PERIOD, end of discussion!   The Boys and I had a long heart to heart about it and decided that we can’t handle the psychotic episodes anymore.  Once these kittens are free of Mama’s influence and need of her as support, she gets spayed.  Settle these hormonal cocktails of insanity down to just kitteh narcissism,,,,(to give you an idea of how bad it has been: Mama ‘ambushed’ Grizzy one afternoon: she was all loveydovey for about 15 seconds, giving him a bath and head strops,  then, with no warning, tore into him like he was the demons incarnate.  Tore his ear and opened a hole on his chest.   Poor boy is walking on eggshells now, scared of every twitch, ping, and thump.   

Her Psychosis is entangling all of us boys here at the ‘Stead.  Even Voo has been acting ‘off’,,,,

NO MORE GIRL KATZ!!!  (and in a round-bout way, reinforces why I am single: Don’t need the dramas, don’t WANT the dramas.)

Digression complete, back to my conundrum,,,,,Forgiveness,,,,,

Let me start somewhere concrete: My Cuz neighbor and his Ol’lady,,,   Both have stolen from me: not recently, but in the past,  I want to say I have forgiven them, but I still maintain a HUGE distance from them,,,  The Question then becomes, ‘Have I forgiven them?’ if I won’t allow them access to my immediate ‘world’?    We don’t talk at all.   Not even a hand wave in passing.  I ignore them, they ignore me.

or is this a case of

(I know they think I am strange, they even stated as much in the past: to me and others.  And I accept that moniker since I am not ‘locally raised’, I can see that I am a strange one in their perception. (not just the fact that I am a reader, have no main feed from the world programming (TV) and a serious thinker/doer:   I don’t fit their world view,,,)

Where does forgiveness begin? Where does it end?   Forgiveness, but not forgetfullness?   Does one need to ‘forget’ the transgressions?    Take for example the break-up of Ex and myself: I have forgiven her of her impropiety, thats past, means nothing today.   But I have never forgotten the lessons learned.   So in that case, have I truly forgiven her?   I know if she were to walk back in my life, for whatever reason, I would welcome her as a friend, treat with her as one, BUT would never open my heart to her as I once did.   Is that forgiveness?

Socially awkward I am, always have been, likely always will be.   Much like my Grandfather in that sense (though NOT to the extent he was, needing grandma as his intermediary in all things social.)

Small lane shift, same road.   If one is able to forgive, without forgetting, is one able to live in the NOW?    Isn’t that a paradox or contradiction?   Or is that just simple wisdom gained by bloodied spirit.

And maybe I need to learn to forgive myself FIRST,,,,   I am my own worst critic,,,,

Yeah, I am that scatter-brained right now,,, Can’t think, and when I start getting a coherent thought, here comes the Mamakat to get in my face, on my book, of the tablet, whatever I am using, demanding ” ‘TENTIONS! NReOW!!!”    And I know its the hormones getting her all flustered, scared, etc.   She doesn’t understand this and the hormones are wandering all over the place, from Maternal instincts to blissful and back to MUST PROTECT!!!     It’s not her fault and it’s not like she has any logic circuits in her greymatter,,,,

this too shall pass 



It’s domestics day, or I could wait till the morrow for it, since tomorrow is an off day/holiday.   I have my little routine for Memorial Day, something quite personal for the few that I knew “who gave all”, and extended out to those I didn’t know personally.  

I wrap out todays thinks (here) with a tune about forgiveness.  keep on livin’

7 responses

  1. Mike in FLA

    My own thinks are that yes, you can absolutely forgive someone without forgetting whatever the hurt was. When my wife and I split in ’89 due to her actions, I thought I’d NEVER forgive her! Somewhere along the line, that somehow did a 180. I discovered that I had, indeed, forgiven her. That was quite a revelation to me. We wound up back together, and never looked back. However!! – I also found that there was no forgetting, either. The hurt was too deep for that. I did successfully bury those things – mostly. Couldn’t eliminate ’em, though, and ever so often, one of the fuckin things pops back up at the damnedest times – even now. 1 outta 2 ain’t too awful bad, I guess.

    BTW, good meme – reminds me of meself a bit!😜

    The socially awkward thing does, too. I also tend to favor the “wisdom gained” thing, as well. At least fer me.

    I can honestly say that if’n someone else worked me over as hard as I do meself, they’d bleed to death – probly all of a sudden.

    Yesterday was my ‘flowers and new flags day’. Flowers fer the ladies and flags fer the vets. And BTW – THANK YOU for yer service!! It’s appreciated!!! As it is fer ALL the rest that served, and still serve. My hatz off to all y’all, and I’ll dam sure buy the beer if’n ya findz yer way hereboutz. 5 cemeteries and 5 new flags – 2 of which are her Uncle (WWII) & her Grandpa (WWI). Then my Dad (WWII), Uncle (WWII), and Grandpa (Spanish – American War & Philippine Insurrection – tried to join for WWI as well, even though he’d been discharged for a serious wound in the P.I.).

    Domestics day – hatez it all to hell, I does!👿 But whut’s a single dood to do? If’n I don’t do it, it ain’t gonna get done! Then, I’ll either be outta clothes, or outta towels. Neither is acceptable to me – towels in the wash as I type. Nuff said!

    Y’all take care & stay livin,
    Mike in FLA.

    Liked by 1 person

    May 26, 2024 at 1:34 pm

    • Sondays are always (correction; most always) my domestics day. and no, if I don’t do it, no one will seeing how I’m runnin’ solo through this chapter.
      That conundrum is ‘resolving’ albeit slowly, but I am not pushing at this stage. Pushed/rushed solutions tend to be temporary, and I don’t want that this round.
      I do have on solution and thats to move, but thats rather final, though not the ‘final’ solution, you know the one labeled with ‘S’s,,,,,
      Not goin’ there either no matter how tempting it may get.
      I do get the 180 in forgiveness,,, I swore I would never forgive my Ex, but I have. That said, I still wouldn’t bring her back in my world if the chance arose, unless there were certain changes on her end as well. Likelihood of that? Probably astronomical but not impossible, but I play my cards as if so,,,,

      yeah,,, If I worked over someone as hard as I do me, they would be a spiritual blob unable to function.


      May 26, 2024 at 8:47 pm

  2. Brother, I swear we share some kind of mystic connection… I too have been struggling MIGHTILY this week with the whole forgiveness thing. Home life is strained to (almost) irreparable and I too cannot keep a coherent thought together for more than 2 seconds. Went to the beach today, not to surf, just to clear my head and the droves of happy couples and families nearly drove me out of my mind (didn’t occur to me that OF COURSE it would be maximum capacity on the holiday weekend, duh!).

    Generally speaking I’m a reluctant optimist but this whole past week has had me under a jet-black umbrella of pessimism.

    Life is “simple” but it sure ain’t easy and I’m just worn out. I wish I could just check out for a month or three and take a much needed sabbatical, amongst the trees and be AWAY from real life for a spell.

    And FWIW, my cat (male) is a psycho too. I used to think only females exhibited those traits, but no. Unfortunately for us, there are no other pets for him to take out his mood swings on, just his people. He’s turned my hands and arms into Swiss cheese on more than a few occasions. And that’s with him being fixed! I suspect he’s got a heaping helping of Feral in his blood. Nonetheless, the little bastard is family!

    Liked by 1 person

    May 26, 2024 at 3:58 pm

    • Not sure I would say ‘mystical’ anymore… Finding more and more empirical evidence that quantum entangling is REAL,,, Just bumping into someone can get you entangled,
      BUT, reading the thoughts of others will too!! (hint, Keep writing,,, I am reading yours as well, ;-D )
      That being said,,, we have another connection: H2O thats pretty pervasive.
      and in some ways, I am sure the answer to my conundrum is in water. Some aspect of it (and yes, I am goin’ all metaphysical in this comment,,,) like its lack of shape, or its ability to sublimate, crossing over states of existence without touching the middle value. and its near mercurial state on this planet (one of the only known places where LIQUID water exists to our knowledge.)

      change of context here: When I was touring, we called the audience “ambulant accoustic dampeners” and while our ‘product’ was intended for their consumption, we didn’t have a high opinion of them. Years of seeing the whacked things they were capable of does that to a body. (and where i came up with the formula of Mob IQ=1/2 the IQ of the crowds dumbest member.),,, So I am not surprised that you found no solace on the beach this weekend. So much spiritual noise out there this weekend, Even I struggled on the little spit of land I found yesterday, and the mental noise was out on the water, not near me.
      Yeah, life is simple but no one ever said it was gonna be easy. And we are both Human, type 1, mod; high milage. Sometimes, ya just wanna go home,
      but its not our time yet, is it?

      Liked by 1 person

      May 26, 2024 at 8:35 pm

    • Hey, wanted to share something I found that hit me sideways.

      “Forgiveness isn’t about right or wrong; it’s about choosing what energy to carry and attract.”


      May 26, 2024 at 9:27 pm

      • There is that word again – energy. That has been on my mind all week- what kind of energy do you want to put out there?, is this a good use of your energy?, be careful of the energy you surround yourself with… All these thoughts have traversed the ol’ brainium on heavy rotation this week. Wild. I’m gonna write that quote down so it sticks, it’s a keeper for sure!

        Liked by 1 person

        May 26, 2024 at 9:34 pm

      • “Be careful of the energy YOU surround yourself with” THAT, right there, thats been MY problem,

        Yah. There’s connection here!!!


        May 26, 2024 at 9:48 pm