Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it – no matter if I have said it! – except it agree with your own reason and your own common sense.” – Siddhartha Gautama, a.k.a. the Buddha

Movin’ forward towards November,,,,

Not intending this to be a downer post, but things that I keep seeing pop up, things that I think we all need to keep in our forebrains as we get closer to that (S)election cycle.  

Francis points out some aspects HERE

one of those is a X post by Emerald Robinson (new to me, not on X, so,,,,)

She states

NOW, we have already heard word that there are rumbles of “we won’t verify the election results if Trumped wins”   Sorta like they did on Jan6th,2021,,,,   THAT is a coup against the very people of the country,,,    And by rights, we could claim they have already done the COUP, a second time would only cement their position further and then,,,,

yeah,,, then, the cards are off the table, the guns pulled and the fur starts to fly.    If, and let me just go with the numbers from 2020, 70+ million people are openly given the middle finger by those in DC a second time four years apart, do you think for one minute that those 70+ million aren’t going to be rightously outraged and ready for blood?   Fool us once, shame on you,  Fool us twice, shame on us,   ONLY,,, It won’t be that we were fooled, it will be BFYTW from the machine, and that ain’t gonna fly.

what comes after?????

That blood bath I DO NOT WANT TO SEE!!!   It won’t be patriots descending on DC (though there might be some),,, Nope, the ‘REGIME’ at that point, will be in the same boat as every other dictatorship in history has been, and there is only one road to take: They have to get rid of the opposition before the opposition can get rid of them.   There is no other option or course available. NONE.   THEY know it, WE know it, HISTORY repeatedly shows it,    There will be a purge, it is written into the script and that script has only one ‘winner’, and that ‘winner’ WILL refuse to ‘step down’.    

but scripts can be re-written,,,,

prepare accordingly and hope like FUCK we are all wrong and that this time around, “they obligingly step down, peacefully”   But don’t hold your breath and most definitely don’t place your bets on that mark.


Now, don’t count on outside intervention,,, it ain’t coming.   Russia/Putin wants another Biden shaministration because that means further and further downgrading of a host of problems: he welcomes that since we ‘were’ his enemy no matter how many times he extended the olive branch..  I say ‘were’ because we aren’t, at this stage, anyones enemy but our own.  We have an emasculated military that is buried under MIC chicanery and dead broke, a logistics chain that has been squandered to uselessness and downsized to maximize profits to the MIC, and a chain of command (small case) that is more interested in buggering each other than actually, you know, WINNING WARS,,,,

  China sure isn’t going to give an assist to anyone, since they see our potential as a farm state, among other things,,,  They want us to fail so they can move in and pick the prime real estate to feed thier people and the rest of the world, AT PROFIT,,,,  

In some ways, the above gives me peace.   When you can see the worst outcome imaginable, you can see options that weren’t visible prior.   And those options can be on either side of the event and still work.   Ugly, you betcha, but we knew that it was going to get a whole lot worse before there would be any chance of better,,,,  

And I fully expect that whatever comes, is going to happen so damned fast, Like AmeriCANS are prone to, that within a year(2 on the outside), the clean up will begin.  I can’t see AmeriCAN’s allowing this shit to drag out for decades.   We shut down Hitler in 4 1/2 years, and stomped the Japanese Empire in about the same, and did both AT THE SAME TIME.   That drive is still in us, dormant for now, but when you wake that beast up,,,,,

So I am gonna say it: “Be of good cheer, this shit might be about to get heavy, but WE GOT THIS,”   so spine up, prep up as you can, and get ready to rumble like our Founders did.

4 responses

  1. Spud

    when the opposition is using the rhetoric of the past previous opposition to debate their side.

    The gaslighting has become so odiferous, that the smell of farts pervades them all.


    March 18, 2024 at 7:51 am

    • I see what you are saying, but, I do not agree, that this is gaslighting. Think things have progressed well past the ‘try to make ’em think they are crazy’ to ” Its now or never”
      In the meantime, expect things to go from one “Ho-Shit!” moment to the next as the year and HEAT progresses.


      March 18, 2024 at 3:46 pm

  2. Mike in FLA

    Mornin Bro. Ain’t a downer at all. Just being realistic is all.

    Not/never have been on twat/X either, but Emerald is the Journalist (yeah, a REAL one, not a hack) who was gang raped out in the open by the rag heads a few years back when she was covering a story in the ME. She got past it herself. A tough cookie, indeed!

    Been hearing/seeing the same things meself. Specially the “we won’t certify” horseshit. And yer correct – a dictatorshit it most certainly is! ‘MAYBE’ when the (s)election is stolen AGAIN, it’ll open a lot of those ‘cain’t happen here’ types eyes. ‘MAYBE’. We can hope. Watch six has never been more appropriate! Swivel necks, all!! Time to exercise the old Mark I Mod 0 eyeball(s) – and ears to the max.

    Outcomes/options – true dat. FUGLY it will be, and it’ll come fast. We still have the drive, but hopefully, it won’t be too late to get it outta park and into wide fuckin open when necessary.

    Nuff said! Stay Livin.

    Y’all take care,
    Mike in FLA.

    Liked by 1 person

    March 18, 2024 at 8:14 am

    • Thanks for filling in my blank on Emerald. Yeah, thats one tough cookie,,,
      I think the riots and other fun games will begin increasing here soon, And the Information crack-down will go into hyperdrive. Like the fact that most people here local have no clue that Europe’s farmers are in motion, protesting and doing quite well at it. Expect media blackouts and with some of the legislation on the table right now (about Tik-Tok) which will open up another box of snakes for Anti-1A moves,,,, I fully expect more inroads against 2A, and more ammunition legislation to be coming out any day now,,,,


      March 18, 2024 at 3:51 pm