Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it – no matter if I have said it! – except it agree with your own reason and your own common sense.” – Siddhartha Gautama, a.k.a. the Buddha

escalation to ????updated (at bottom)

Or will it escalate?

New Mexico stands on a cliffs edge and yet, I hear only tweets and whistles of outrage.

Francis does a damned fine breakdown on “why it matters” and what grounds are being disturbed, leaving quite a bit open for speculation.  Please, go read, and do some speculation of your own.  And even David Hogg chimed in apparently,,,   WTELF?

Then BCE mentions that Six States have ruled “No Trump” on the ballots this upcoming (S)election cycle.

Here’s the linkie

So, we have Governors going full out, anti-constitutional tyro (not the first, but work with me here) and legislation in six states, flat telling the people “YOU HAVE NO SAY”,,,,,   Think about that,,,, I don’t give a shit if you like or despise the TheTRUMP,,, Don’t give on shit, but since when have you EVER heard of legislation enacted to reject ONE PERSON specifically, from the choices available?   That is “The LEET’s” telling you, no,,, not telling you, SCREAMING AT YOU, that you aren’t worthy of thinking and your desires mean NOTHING to the(ir) bigger picture.

And I have to ask, where is the outrage?   In those states, likely hiveminded blue states, this is acceptable to the peeps because they buy the bullshit outright, but to those in the red states,,,,    Hell the only reason those states are red today is from blushing in embarrassment at all of this,,, certainly not because the anger-meter is pegged,,,,


Many of us here in blogger land have been saying it for years, but now THEY are flat telling you, there will be NO VOTING IT AWAY, but flat making it law that they get to tell you WHO you can or can’t vote for.

And why are these state capitols not burning?   Because oh, hey,   Look, NFL season is on us, and schools just started back, and the kids are making a showing on the grid-iron this year and

Because we have lives, lives that don’t reach into those areas except for a day or two a year (unless you are on that list of watchers that ‘cry havoc’) and otherwise, leave us the fuck alone,,,

and that is why we are where we are.  with cerebral deficit in places where its needed most, no codes of morality past ‘what do I get out of this’ (and many vote just that way) and a “leadershit” that looks geriatric but are the most overgrown CHILDREN, spoiled rotten rich kids that have never felt the grumble of hunger or the pain of the punch in the face.

America is NOT DED YET,,,,   You can’t kill  an idea without wiping out the people that still carry the idea’s torch, but that time may be acoming when they make the effort to try and do away with “Us” in a more kinetic way.   But there are ground being laid, both to do away with “Us”, and for “Us” to hammer these shit head weeds back into the pavement,    I just am not seeing very much movement from the side of Freedom.   What I am seeing is grudging resistance, but enough of it that the “left” is going flat bat-shit insane with “why won’t they fall in line” efforts to strip us of everything.   And that is what those items I opened with are,, Stripping us of choice, or unlawfully taking away our teeth.   

There will be no one coming for us, but until the sleeping giant gets off its ass, there will be MORE to come and worse to  boot.  

Update: Just realized that today is Sept 11th,,,, IF, something were to happen and one of those bluestate hiveminded places were to burn, that the media would play it up as “Whitesupremecist Extremism Terrorists” fit to shadow the 9/11 event???? Just sayin’. Keep your head on a swivel cuz nothing will be as its sold,,,

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