Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it – no matter if I have said it! – except it agree with your own reason and your own common sense.” – Siddhartha Gautama, a.k.a. the Buddha

Hmmm,,, whats up with September and garbage,,,

So, I saw something about the Current Resident of The White House (well, his handlers anyway, poor schmoe can’t get through a presser without faltering or fumbling,,, well pretty much the whole shebang,,,,) that the FedGov wants to initiate full CoVid Lockdowns again come September,,,

Like thats gonna fly,,, we’ve seen this game before, where you shut it all down, steal an election and then slowly ease up on things,

only, this time, we KNOW the bullshit hoax for what it was/is, AND we don’t wanna share our toys with bleigerent little shits that think they own the world because someone bought into their lies, ONCE.

So there is that thing for upcoming September,,,,

Then, Kunstler has THIS to say about things, and his prediction is also September,,,,

And I turn the Double Nickles early on in that same month,,, (though that’s actually kinda cool too. Gettin’ real comfortable with my age these days,,,

Here’s what I think is going on. We have full panic mode going on The Trump, and trying to lock him up in legal battles; I even heard that one judge told the lawyers to make it march through into late 2024,,,, Well, thats something of a tactical give-a-way ain’t it? This isn’t about law fare, this is political warfare using the Just-us system. Then you have the current Fraud in Chief (or rather his handlers,,,,) going full potato on every corner and favorite talking point of the Woke (Dreamers as I prefer to call them) and you have fly-over country singing songs about it (and dropping bombs into Record Execs heads,,,)(dude is true to his roots, thats like winning the powerball and turning it down. But I get his point,,, Who wants to sell their soul to a label and become a performance monkey that has to dance to the paymasters tune? )

Something big is coming, some catastrophic failure, and TFTwB are shittin’ bricks and running around with their heads on fire. And not one of them is capapble of actually running anything,,,,well, unless it means ‘running it into the ground’; they have that down pat!

Something is about to implode, explode, or something, or there is going to be an actual attempt at impeachment (if they don’t article 25 the ambulant corpse first, and that means, you guessed it Kamalala-ding-dong is the schiznizzle, and NO ONE, on either side of the aisle, wants that. Hell, if it looked like that vacant cranium were to become my boss, I’d be shitting bricks too: trying to find that golden parachute option before it was too late.

They can’t railroad a fraudulant election a second time around without tipping just how corrupt the system TRULY is, which would start an avalance of ‘righteous payback’ at the local and state levels, and spiral quickly; so they threaten full lockdowns again, and that starts a different sort of “FU!”,,,,

They made their beds,

I say we let them lay in them,

while we put said beds to the torch,,,,

But then, I honor the deadly sin of WRATH more than I should,,,,,

They are uneducated children at the controls, and are throwing the levers every which way hoping ‘this time, it will work”

Gonna be a hot September, even if the weather liars are correct in temps being lower than norm.

we wait with bated breath,,,,(well, you might, but I am doing things,,, and when I am not ‘doing things’, I am out enjoying what I can, while I can, and making the most of the inbetweens to keep myself sane (or as sane as I ever was, which sometimes is in question, ain’t it?)

OK, let me get something out that changed my point of view on things: Every fear mongerer on the nets makes the one key mistake, or at least plays the game, of “assume they know what they are doing” And we all know what Assume means: ass out of u and me. (and that reminds me of another favorite word game “embarassed” ‘ahm bare assed’ ) (yeah, liitle mental games I used to remember how to spell things,,,,) I am fair certain that these jackanapes have ZERO clue how to do anything but jerk off and sniff kids,,, Those high-faluttin degrees means jack shit here at Casa la Dio when the records of incompetence are so blatant. I am very much a “show me, don’t tell me” person when it comes to ‘knowing’ something. knowing how to leech the system is not “finance savvy’: its theivery one step lower than actual taxation, which is separated from Highway robbery only by the fact that the guns are not openly visible. They are still very much present. “your money or your life” is now an unspoken demand that never goes away.

So, ya wanna know what I think is gonna happen in September?

I’ll turn 55.

and not much else that isn’t already going sideways.


I won’t turn 55 because the fools in the district of criminals finally couldn’t wait for Putin to bang the button, so went and did it themselves.

Go read the links, or watch in the one case, grab a double of good bourbon, rocks or straight, whichever you prefer, and relax,,,, Its out of control, out of our control for certain, and dammit, if you can’t at least enjoy drawing breath, you may as well lay down and die. I ain’t there yet,,, if it happens, i’m ready, but until then, keep LIVING!!!!!

7 responses

  1. Mike in FLA

    Hot September, indeed! Seems way to plausible to me as well.

    Sanity? Highly over rated, it seems.

    Incompetence does seem the way to bet, dunnit? That said, I meself, fully believe that ‘They’ are absolutely truly evil incarnate as well as incompetant.

    Yer correct about things going sideways – even without the threat of The Red Button – but then there’s that, too. As BCE would say – *le sigh*.

    Thing’s are most certainly not in our control – and yes, I already have a double (likely *somewhat* more – maybe even another in sight shortly?). Yup, vote harderer – that’ll help, won’t it.

    I gon continue to enjoy breathing (and sippin, as well as watching old western flicks like now) until I can’t. Planning to start a Fall garden in the next week or so as well. I too, am ready if it be necessary, but I gon be living as best I can until then. Hopefully (but not a plan) that’s considerably after I get the new pooch in the next week or so! I gone be a BUSY MF’er the next several months, ain’t I🥂🥃🥃 ?!

    Y’all take care,
    Mike in FLA.


    August 18, 2023 at 7:46 pm

    • that little pooch is gonna wear your butt to the bone racin’ round chewin’ everything and anything but thats something to look forward to, Me: I b kayakin’ puttin miles on and watching the REAL world as it should be, not that ‘reality’ I glimpse at Da’s when he has the boobustoobus goin.


      August 18, 2023 at 7:58 pm

  2. “But then, I honor the deadly sin of WRATH more than I should,,,,,”

    Every now and again you say something that makes me think we’re cut from the same cloth. I used to feel bad about feeling wrathful, like a lesser human, but something tells me it may come in handy. Sooner rather than later.

    Good work today Dio.

    Liked by 1 person

    August 18, 2023 at 8:25 pm

  3. Spud

    None of the above gets my vote. Yeah Joe is over ripe , this is probably true.
    But Trump is obviously rotten to the core.
    I’m good and she says so too.
    Kunstler sold out quite awhile ago…does not necessarily make him totally off base. Just keep in mind his roots and affiliations.
    We all know bad juju is likely coming . Question is , will we react properly or just deflect to just another keyboard warrior , as the official Oracle of truth ?
    If a real plague comes to roost…what then ? Given the reaction of the last go around, the deniers will certainly doom us all , if it is the real deal.

    Personally I’ll do just as before and self isolate in my own private Idaho on the coast. Got preps ?


    August 19, 2023 at 4:28 am

    • Spud

      Actually on this fine Saturday morning , I’m more concerned about. Does Jett Lawrence go 20 & 0 today at Redbud ?
      Does Danger boy Deegan pose a threat to Hunter Lawrence’s title hopes.
      Us old motocrossers have our priorities too lol

      Liked by 1 person

      August 19, 2023 at 4:37 am

  4. B

    Only one degree that matters to me, 98.6. F the rest.

    Liked by 1 person

    August 19, 2023 at 1:08 pm

  5. dirtroadlivin

    September, December…who knows.

    I do wholeheartedly feel the jiggler is rockin on the pressure cooker, way to fast. It physically feels like the time is nigh. So many from different walks of life have noticed an voiced the same in the last weeks.

    It actually feels like TBTB have just decided to hell with much pretense and accelerate the plan. I don’t think they give much of a fuck if we believe the minstrel shows they put on for us or not.

    Knustler’s article was good, but I have to think rapid institution of CBDCs is major part of what is coming. It’s as close to a flawless deathblow they have. Well, that and nukes I guess.

    Feels like what’s coming is coming soon…..on the other hand fall is coming soon also, as is hunting season. Will pivot as needed I reckon.

    Liked by 1 person

    August 19, 2023 at 6:37 pm