Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it – no matter if I have said it! – except it agree with your own reason and your own common sense.” – Siddhartha Gautama, a.k.a. the Buddha

accomplishing not much

this is one of those mornings where my mind is awhirl with thoughts, but nothing is settling down to gel into worthwhile writing. Spent several hours yesterday on Re-Writing Wings, and while the plot and format are there, the thought process was an elusive faerie; I may have managed three paragraphs of something usable.(out of 10000 words,,,,time to take an ax to that jumble,,,)

Lots of similar thinks floating about the spheres as well. Maybe not directly related, but close enough that I can feel the pain in the words. Francis has his say HERE. Sarah has her say HERE. I would toss BCE on that but his eyes are swole shut and he isn’t doing much typing these days, but I would say he has more than a few vocalizations about the world in general as well. I feel my recent “maybe these are my hallucinations while I am in my padded cell” feelz are a part of this ‘malaise’,,, The world is getting ready to make a shift, the collective mindset is showing that.


Personally, I want to see the Big Central Mindset implode. Dunno that it will as there are far too many people that can’t get their heads around “self-supporting” and must have their stucture of ‘Centralized Government’ to hold onto sanity. They can’t see that what we have is the poison killing us, or if they can, they can’t see an alternative. Rather like our “if not the dollar, than what?’ that is the only thing holding our economy together right hnow. It certainly is not “Trust and Faith” in our governments credit rating. Believe me, if that alternative is found, the dollar will crash faster than the world trade center towers.

No, there are too many on the dole for our government to fail completely. They are leeching the life out of the system, but the system trundles on,,,,

until it can’t: much like that rabbit that is ate up with ticks, drained of all but the last dregs of lifeblood, unable to move more than breathing, just waiting for that fox or coyote to ‘finish it off’. We aren’t QUITE there yet. but I’m not sure we are all that far away either. And my personal world is sensing that and mirrors it in my ‘not making headway’ feelz. I am making headway, but its in leapfrog ways: one week I am getting ahead, the next I slip backwards a little bit. but all in all, I am moving forward. And my biggest concern these days is my distrust of the Medical/Insurance complex(you can blame COVIDiocy, but this was coming long before after OblammyCare kicked in). I can feel me falling apart in small ways, that will eventually become big ways, and yet I don’t trust the Docs to actually fix things. I’ve seen too many instances of ‘get them on the roles and keep them there’ of late, and the patient is milked of finances but nothing ever really gets better. (note, shoulder pains that are starting to exhibit as loss of strength,,, most likely pinched nerves as my body recoils and flexes away from the actual issue. I know, TMI,,,)

the patient is milked of finances but nothing ever really gets better.” Replace Patient with “Tax payer” and you have a mirror to what is happening across the board in this country. Has anyone noted that roads are worse than usual? or that certain maintenance (usually roadside) are getting further apart? Dunno about the country in general, but locally, yes, things are degrading from the norm, but the tax revenues are larger than ever. property taxes here locally jumped a couple of percentage points and services are still degrading. One pot-hole in the road that has been a constant source of issues was recently filled and fixed, but not by Government, but by a local that said “Fuggit! I’ll do it” . Thats the sort of thing I mean by “Big Central” imploding. People are going to start fixing this shit themselves, and when the government starts seeing that, they are going to respond badly, and then people will start saying “Well, you wouldn’t, so we did, and what do we need you for anyway since all you do is rob us blind?”


Interesting times, indeed,,,,

off to the J.O.B. more later

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