Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it – no matter if I have said it! – except it agree with your own reason and your own common sense.” – Siddhartha Gautama, a.k.a. the Buddha


Thats the problem now, trusts have been blown.

Read this, and this first.

and for filler, read this and its links

I totally trust the Government,,,,

yes, I do: to find as many ways of stealing my hard earned means, to make sure that just breathing without permission is illegal, to hype of as much fearmongering as they can find to hold onto the power they gain from sheep witihout minds, etc etc.

Its the ‘trust’ of a toxic relationship and the trust I had as a child/adolescent is long gone. Just like the trust that was blown in my last relationship. Once gone, recovery is highly unlikely. (wont’ say impossible, stranger things have happened, but current course and speed; I don’t see it.)

THe collusion of the EneMedia/entertainment world, The rape of the educational system that turned it into something not educational, the shelling out of our country by Grifters, like was done to EnRon back at the start of this Century

Yes, I absolutely Trust the Government: to fuck up a good wet dream and destroy the good in life in some way shape or form.

My only hope for this country at this stage is a mass wake up to the mess (it is happening, just very slowly) and either an uprising (bloody, icky and to easy to get derailed by bad actors) or ‘just stop complying’ Tax denial movement. Imagine if every single mom and pop company, every single employee, all about the same time just said “No, no more, we keep it till you get your shit straight’ (remember when your parents did that to you with your allowance?) The real problem with that is the Corps, especially those in bed with big gov, and there are so many that are federally employed ,,, Yeah, there are some issues with it, but I do beleive cutting the flow of the drug that feeds this beast is the key to getting that beast back under control,

or are we past that point? Does the beast need killed? I don’t know. The foundations of the American experiment are valid, and were proven, the problem is human nature. the Let me Leads getting the sheep to follow, and the Leave me Alones; those two aspects will always reach a point of critical mass (where we are now) and the butting of heads will commence.

THIS, these things running around my head, seeing answers, knowing the answers won’t work in the bigger scheme, this is why I don’t talk about it much anymore, and too many times in the past being shouted down or flat ignored by others with greater following, only to be shown by time that my assessment was correct but NEVER getting acknowledged for it (not that I care, but there are times where an apology would have been nice,,,,) I’m a little fish in a big sea, I’ll play the clownfish and stick close to my hole in the corral, watching as the world implodes/explodes/burns/crumbles and wait for the change that can’t be stopped, even if we don’t really know what that change will be.

Changes are never permanant, but change is.

One response

  1. Mike in FLA

    VERY well said, Bro Dio! No argument here. The whole thing is on the $$.

    I see many parallels. Especially the last paragraph – that’s pretty much why I keep it quiet these days. I find it quite tiresome to put up with the bullshit. ‘Specially when I’m right. Sometimes, I kinda wish I had a hole in the coral meself. One thing about the coming spiciness – there ain’t gonna be many dull moments 👿 Lotsa them there sheeple gonna be like 😲

    The last sentence says it well. Powder dry, etc., etc.

    Y’all take care,
    Mike in FLA.


    July 2, 2023 at 7:34 am