Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it – no matter if I have said it! – except it agree with your own reason and your own common sense.” – Siddhartha Gautama, a.k.a. the Buddha

OOffff!!! and some ketchin’up,,,

Left house at 0645, returned at 1845,,,, Long drive to location, in the middle of the KY plataue, no shade, lots of wind, and heat near 90’s,,,, Feeling a tad dried out right now. Rehydrate me in all the ways I can, to include a LONG HOT SHOWER,,,,

Dropped in at Francis’ place,,, the below is an excerpt, go read,,,, I’ll get back to my own blog shortly,,,,

   Do you demand the right to use force against others without suffering a forceful response?
     Do you demand the right to consume others’ produce yet produce nothing yourself?
     Do you demand the respect of others despite being of no value to them?
     Do you demand that you be taken for and treated as what you are not?
     You’re part of the problem.

     Reality will not yield to you.

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