Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it – no matter if I have said it! – except it agree with your own reason and your own common sense.” – Siddhartha Gautama, a.k.a. the Buddha

The answer looking for the question,,,,

or, to put it another way, trying to peddle the obvious results as foreign influence as reality bites them in the ass.



and maybe I should add “especially when our betters (hack, SPIT!) are the ones saying it.”

Francis points out that there are two factions on “OUR” side. The “just leave me alones” and the “so ya wanna war, bring it!” As mentioned in other articles, the area I reside in, now being affectionately called “Appalachistan”, is FLAT FULL of those ‘just leave me alone’s. And they are armed, know how to make things function when nothing else works, and, as the song calls it, “a country boy can survive’.

Something a lot of people do not understand about this area: the great Depression hit this area hard, and didn’t let up until close to the 70’s, and in some ways is still hitting this area. People here know what “POOR” is: most of them are still, even with all the bells and whistles of the modern world that we now have. One of the guys I work with tells me stories of growing up, no running water, no plumbing within the house, mom cooking on wood and coal fired stoves, and that she had TWO, one inside and one out. One for cooking in the winter and the other for cooking in summer. And the rub??? They were considered “well off” because they had two cookstoves.

My friend just turned 65,,,

doesn’t apply to me, but does to many HERE.

Do these ass-hats really think their pre-concieved notions of how the world SHOULD work is going to make a dent in how my friend KNOWS it does? He has no illusions on how far down the world can fall: he’s been there, grew up there, and recalls it well.

and VERY MUCH still in use here’bouts,,,

People around here take Professor La Paz’s approach to laws. They ignore them if they are stupid, and obey them if they fit their moral codes. (and even that can be fluid at times.) This area is considered highly “Ungovernable” by those in Frankfort, and it gets ‘only enough’ to keep the votes. This area was the last to get the Fiber upgrades (and that is still ongoing, not every area has been reached yet) and even many corporates grudgingly send upgrades this way. (we only recently went to 4G comms,, and 5G,,, Maybe never,,, and that has more to do with the terrain than customers.)

And this area is the area where “Ditch Mitch” is a popular slogan. I don’t think I need to explain that one, do I?

I may not like the area I am in, but it’s mostly due to being spoiled by modern things, and wishing I had better access to places that carry the stuff I like. THAT has no bearing on the fact that I know there are alot of AMERI-CANS living here. I know that whatever comes down the pike, this is the last area that is going to fold under.

And there will be a lot of shallow graves with no markers in these hills before that happens. (or the coyotes are gonna get fat and acquire a taste for long pig.)

5 responses

  1. Mike

    Yer comments ring most true, Bro. Being someone with many relatives all over KY., as well as in-laws, I’d hope TPTB have slightly more sense than a warm turd (much hopium there!), and that area would be unobtanium. Mom’s herd was/is still from around Hardyville/ Hart County and thereabouts, while the I-L’s around Butcher Holler – yeah, that one.

    If’n I was pickin’ anudder place to roost, that area would be VERY high on the list – even with yer shitty weather!🤪 Ain’t in the cards though, for numerous reasons. And you ain’t just a-whistling Dixie about them there shallow diggins, either!🙃 Methinks there’d be mucho of them.

    I’d like to think there’s quite a lot of other places just like that, too.

    Y’all take care,
    Mike in FLA.


    April 6, 2023 at 9:16 pm

    • Appalachia extends from the Adirondack region all the way into ‘Bama,, if you look on the cover of Wings, there is a large grey swath on the US map,,, thats Appalachia,,

      As for other areas, I’m sure there are, but not as expensive nor as old. This area was ‘settled’ before 1776, and bloodlines can be traced back further, including to pre-colony days in some cases (cherokee etc,,,)
      There is a LOT of pride here, not easy to ‘kill’ that,


      April 6, 2023 at 9:26 pm

    • And shitty weather,,, yeah, we got that 🙄 would happily send you some if I could figure out how to box it up😁


      April 6, 2023 at 9:34 pm

      • Mike

        If it’d ease yer sufferin, I’d gladly accept! I kinda doubt the local folk’d appreciate it though🙃 Cain’t win ’em all!

        Yeah – to hell with spellcheck – I can make me own mistakes!🥂 Now – back to me Bourbon!!🥂🥂 Cheers!!!

        Y’all take care Bro,
        Mike in FLA.


        April 6, 2023 at 9:51 pm