Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it – no matter if I have said it! – except it agree with your own reason and your own common sense.” – Siddhartha Gautama, a.k.a. the Buddha

And teh Boochit deepens

Don’t ask me why I subject my sensitive wee self to the caustic nature of FakeBook, but it IS a great way of keeping up on the bullshit the left and Branch COviDians are up to.

The two images are screen shots from my phone because the publishers of this little tidbit of Propaganda don’t want you to download it for ‘reasons’. Personal opinion for that reason is, ITS COMPLETE BULLSHIT. First off, look at the time stamps of the two screen shots, then compare the comments numbers. NOTE, the later screenshot has fewer comments? We wonder why that is? Active comment deletion is the ONLY answer, and if you actually go read the comments, the only things negative to it are the ‘likes’. There are some “reasoning” comments that managed to slip through, but they don’t outright deride this pile-o-lies.

First Image.

Second image.

There is also a discrepancy of timeline in how long the numbers were accumulated, nor does it say how many have recovered, how many were turned away (discrimination by VAXX? Its already here, but its going to become the yellow star of the Jews in Nazi Germany, wait n see. The mere fact that this type of shit is spreading around on social media tells me the propaganda controllers are ramping up Herd Response.) The actual numbers started being gathered in March and are cumulative. That in its self screams “red flag”. It also doesn’t report how many of those ‘diagnosed’ were brought in for other reasons and acquired the bug through the hospital itself, as in through the ventilation systems. It also ignores the real time information I SAW with mine own eyes as detailed in a prior post here on this blog. Another point that labels this as Propaganda is it fails to show the ratio of infected to population. (KY has 4M+population. That puts this BELOW threshold, but that would blunt the fear factor.)

And then you have this little tidbit from BC. The effects of the third booster in Israel and how suddenly the ‘Ronas are headed for the ceiling with enough momentum to bust OUT. Maybe the Palestinians need only wait for the die off, and then they can march right in (with dump trucks following to pick up the dead). Follows the key graphic to explain.

See, there is a little known fact about certain types of Vaccines. There is one, that was given to Chickens way back when. The result was that the virus that was isolated by that Vaxx mutated and grew stronger, and so a second vaxx was created. wash rinse repeat. Do that a few times and what you end up with is THE situation that Poultry producers have now, where you have to vaxx EVERY chicken as soon as it hatches or it is DEAD in three days. Its called Immune Dependence Syndrome. The genetic code has adapted to completely ignore the virus as a threat so the immune system does nothing, and the virus does what viruses DO: grow exponentially until the host is overwhelmed.

I look at that above graph and see IDS being CREATED in an entire population. This IDS ignores the spike proteins (that the VAX teaches the body how to make, Think about that for a moment) that are what the COvid version whatever was DESIGNED to make, creating massive clotting issues (usually around the lungs, which is why they originally started peeps on ventilation, which created MORE clotting, another wash rinse repeat issue. The persons that were put on blood thinners and spectrum antibiotics had the best chances, as was demonstrated by a certain Amish Doctor. Sorry, I can’t find that link anymore, and that surprises me not at all in this CENSORSHIP day and age. Please refer back to the original images in this post for verification of THAT.)

SO, we have one type of propaganda being disseminated in Social media (and I don’t think the person that “posted” this is even aware of it being out there, I think her position in the system was pirated to give this crap some credibility. ) The Media is tactfully IGNORING the information from Israel because anyone with two braincells can see that something is NOT gelling with the Narrative. And the “outreach” to push the VaxxnottaVaxx is ramping up even more in all aspects. I saw where an executive order was put out to ratchet up the demand for employer mandated jabs in ANY business affiliated with the FRAUD to the point of ‘even if they only provide a minor service’, IE, yard work or janitorial. The way it was worded, they could mandate that even The Big Three Auto makers have to Vaxx all employees because the (p)Resident rides in one of their limos.

Even if you are one of my readers that thinks I am a little nuts for conspiracy shit, take a look at that graph above. Think about its implications. Then ask some questions, then ask some more. The more you find out, the more you will realize that this is NOT about “Keeping grandma safe”. Its about CONTROL, ultimate unlimited control, and the more I see, the more I believe, SERIOUS POPULATION REDUCTION.

Maybe there is a reason they want to wipe out all of the “reasonable followers”, leaving the “Extremist Anti-Vaxxers” alive. Maybe, but then, nothing makes “sense” these days. I see things happening, and the level of insanity boggles my little head. The Willful Destruction of an entire Countries INTEGRITY as we have been witness to just the last month, screams systemic hatred. Toss in the contents of this post and you see Pure Hatred of their own species (but then, TPTwB don’t see themselves as the same as us, do they? They act as if they were superhuman or something.)

And maybe there is something to biblical prophesizing I have occasionally caught wind of . Maybe this is the culling of the breed that was forewarned of. WHo teh Fook knows. Certainly not this wee fish in a big pond that is starting to smell funky.

Interesting times. We. Are. There!!!

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