Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it – no matter if I have said it! – except it agree with your own reason and your own common sense.” – Siddhartha Gautama, a.k.a. the Buddha

Soon, switches will be thrown

Reading several AAR from various sources and affiliations,  my two cents is that there is credible reason to suggest black flag operations on Jan6. 

One AAR mentions some radio traffic that is right in line with Antifa protocols as seen in the western ‘mostly peaceful ‘ riots.  Rally points, inside intel being passed, COORDINATED MOVEMENT.

Read the comments there as well as some of them are from other attendees.

Pictures posted (same site different thread) show scenes completely counter to the narrative (surprised?, I’m not)

And elsewhere were pictures of some ‘bad actors’ with other images of same people involved in those ‘mostly peaceful ‘ events late last year.

So yeah, there is evidence of some manipulation in order.  Videos of the capitol police opening barriers and ushering people into the capitol.  Nancy Pelousey being remarkably absent 10 minutes into the first half of the joint session with some flunky sitting in her spot.  And she seemed rather antsy when introducing Pence: think she had insight as to what was to come? 

One other point mentioned but not eleborated on was Trumps speech at 11, before all of this went down.  The listener stated that “I have no idea whether Trump had other plans when he called for the March, but it was clear that by the time the event came out he had nothing beyond his list of election law violations.”  My take on that was Trump took a serious hit below the waterline when Pence rolled over.  His fire was quenched.

And reading Pences letter as to “why” he rolled over, it sounds legit and reasonable, but it misses one point. The founders KNEW there would times where just such power would NEED to be placed in the hands of one man.  Its not like he has the ability to take the reins of power over completely,  but for a brief moment in time that one man has to be strong (Pence wasn’t ) and has to weigh the health of the country over personal feelings.  Pence did this and failed to ignore his personal bias (or the state had some shit on him and twisted the screws.)

My final words on all of this.  WE’RE FOOKED, time to study up on ‘spitting on your hands, raising black flags and slitting throats‘.  They stole the election, to steal a country for the sole reason of POWER.  Ok, I plan to be as ungovernable as I can possibly be, and will find as many wooden shoes to chuck into the gears as I can manage.

It ain’t over yet,,,  I’m still breathing.

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