Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it – no matter if I have said it! – except it agree with your own reason and your own common sense.” – Siddhartha Gautama, a.k.a. the Buddha

Loose tethers,,,

Tha’s howz I’ma feelin’ today.   Started with the Coffee, started walkin’round the netz to see the world at large,,, 

The only thing that ‘hit me’ was the rising Irish Troubles (that I can’t find a link to now,,,GRrrrr)   Seems the Irish are getting fighting mad about the Islam immivasion,,, good on them!  

but that was it,,,   Just don’t care all that much these days.   We are going into a revolutionary state, one that hasn’t a name yet, and the ONLY thing I can say about it: the old ways are gonna die a horrible death and do a lot of damage (are doing) on the way out.

Look to Argentina right now, or Nicaragua.  The Left is flat out freaking about how those places are ‘re-writing the rules’ and winning.

Note to Fedbois,,,, might wanna see about that trade school thing and figure out something that will cover your ass when the ax falls on all the useless departments in fedgov.   THERE ARE NO SIMILAR POSITIONS IN THE PRIVATE SECTOR!!!


Ok, time to get my rear off the office chair and into grubbies to play with Buffalo.   Need to replace a bleed screw or caliper on the drivers side to get the brakes bled properly.  (broken bleed screw, thinkin’ replace the caliper is the way to go, since the one on her is so oil soaked.)

Then its off to Lake,,, No stress day!!!

more laters

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