Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it – no matter if I have said it! – except it agree with your own reason and your own common sense.” – Siddhartha Gautama, a.k.a. the Buddha


OMG!OMG! OH MY F!N!GOD!!!!!!!!!!!

You know back in 2001, September 11th, 12th and don’t remember how many days,,,,

There was that background noise that we had all lived with our entire lives, and then come 9-11, it was GONE!!!

Talkin’ about the Airliners overhead,,, when they were grounded, the sudden silence overhead, usually ignored except for the occasional loud one, or the one you are watching ‘right then’,,,


Been drivin’ Buff for a over a year with noizy backend gears, learned to ignore it for the most part, always keeping a muscians ear out for changes in timbre/tone/key,,


No, I haven’t done the break in period YET: still need to get back under there and re-bleed my brakes.   They’z feelin a touch spongy: the gravity bleed wasn’t sufficient.

BUT,,, I did a test drive, about a mile,,, didn’t get crazy with it (wasn’t trying to do burnouts or anything,,, just cruzin) and the silence was DEAFENING  and OMGOMGOMG is that a GREAT thing,,,,  Took it up to 50 and zero noise, hum or anything OTHER than the tire noise that I hadn’t been able to hear over that old rear-end.   Coming back to my drive, went ahead and engaged the 4×4 to see if those issues are gone (would get all boggy and wyrd if the front couldn’t slip around)  GONE!   Even stopped and put in low4, just to see,,, same,,, grabbed and was willing to climb a wall without wyrd issues.


DOUBLE SHOT ON ME IF YOU CAN GET HERE  LOL  Helpin’ myself to one right NOW!!!!    Dio is patting his own back right now!!! (and then I am dogpiling into the shower and washing all this muck off me,,, )

4 responses

  1. Jay

    Awesome news Dio, congratulations on your success!!

    Liked by 1 person

    June 14, 2024 at 8:21 pm

    • Good materials DEFINITELY helped, but my paranoia of screwin’ it up and all the hours diggin’ into research paid off too. I can’t say it was all luck, but there was a certain amount of that in there too.
      Just glad as heck, because that diff was one reason I haven’t gone to see my sister in SC over the last year. Didn’t trust it.
      tomorrow is a paddle day and I will do the 20 mile break in on the way there, let it cool down while out paddling, then repeat for the full break in on the return trip.
      Yay ME!
      (and I need to bleed the brakes first,,,)

      Liked by 1 person

      June 14, 2024 at 8:31 pm

  2. Mike in FLA

    A most excellent outcome! Congrats!! Yeah, that silence is deafening – but dam, what a nice silence it is. Opens up all kinds of things when you can trust yer ride, dunnit?🍻🥂😉

    Y’all take care & stay livin’,
    Mike in FLA.

    Liked by 1 person

    June 15, 2024 at 6:43 am

  3. I recall the skies being oddly clear of contrails… and trying NOT to yell (and scare the neighbors) when a Medivac was FINALLY in the air again, “KEEP ‘EM FLYING!”

    Liked by 1 person

    June 15, 2024 at 10:04 am

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