Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it – no matter if I have said it! – except it agree with your own reason and your own common sense.” – Siddhartha Gautama, a.k.a. the Buddha

The problem with people, maybe,,,

Where to start with this’un,,,,

always start at the start, right? Yeah,,

Mamakat, babbies, lost two,, has one now and keeping her attention on it is wearing this grumpy ol’fart OUT.
The problem being (I THINK) that she lost the majority through issues or accident and now, her hormones have kicked into other modes and she is in heat again. TOO SOON. She keeps running off, chasing Zoomie lookin’ for nookie. Poor little rat of a kitten is left alone for HOURS AND HOURS ON END, I have been holding her to my chest to keep her warm enough, trying to make sure her ‘nest’ is warm when I can’t, and bottle feeding her through the day because I can’t keep Mama nearby enough to keep her focused on her duties.

Mirror that to some of the issues within our society these days. Mama Drama as its been called in some circles. A welfare system that rewards extra/pre-marital child rearing, destruction of Family Unit integrity that creates multitudes of feral children, dead beat dads, and has been doing so for at least a couple of generations,,, I can think of two people in my current spheres that have NO CLUE who Daddy is, and I am not talking who ‘the’ daddy is, but THIER daddy,,, Not a clue, never met the bastard, don’t wanna meet the bastard ’cause he was never around to begin with. Nopes, Why bother with that asshole when Unca Sugah has taken care of them from the start of memory.
NOTE, I am not talking race here, this isn’t a racial issue, its a societal issue that has come about thanks to GOVERNMENT INTERVENTION. That evil created with the best of good intentions,,, the black eye in the white fish in the Yin-Yang symbol.

And I think there are those in power that KNOW the damage done, may have even had some part of it, and encourage it because it helps maintain some agenda,,,,

Yeah, total prospiracy thinks there, bear with me,,,,

Whether that is the case or not, the reality of the damage being waged is real. I may be dealing with wayward mamakat in my household, but what about the tens of thousands of mama-people on the dole popping out babies for a check every month. I know it has created a new trend of kids being raised by granparents because the biological ones aren’t capable or responsible enough to manage it. I know of adoptions within family lines to keep the child with family, because the mother is so far gone mentally, she is barely able to function as an adult.
Is this just because of the welfare system? Could this be a symptom of our Public education system as well? I say YES, but I am just one voice in the wilds of this country. I am also (mostly) self-educated, in no small part because I found my former education was horribly lacking. I find that most aren’t interested in educating themselves ‘because I learned all I needed in school”: a horrid myth created by the monster to perpetuate the disease.

Destroy the Family. Destroy the education. Destroy the faiths. Destroy the Culture. All planks straight out of Marx and Trotsky. (and i was appalled when the Lawyer student that I mentioned in another post, brought up Trotsky as if he were some Paragon of thought,,,, It made me stumble more than a little,,, The ROT goes very deep in our world.)

Where is the solution? Take it back down to base principles, Keep things as localized as possible. And I fear that isn’t possible anymore. I see ‘theories” like Distributionism and they sound good, and thats the problem; they ‘sound’ good, hit all the right emotions of a people scratching for a solution, but when rubber meets the road,,, While its obvious that top down corporatism isn’t working, bottom up localized economies probably won’t either, not in this technology age. I could be wrong here, not seeing some aspect or other. Honestly, its that whole Heinlein paradigm about ‘Who Decides’ (sorry, can’t find it fast on net, and don’t feel like looking through the novels,,) thinking that a small group is better at deciding what right or wrong, or that democratic societies are better,,, Things don’t work that well in application, and EVERY Democratic society commits suicide eventually,,, Apparently so do Republics, usually by becoming ‘democratic’. Some would say there is some merit to Monarchy, but then, we don’t have a representative God to make that decree, nor would 90% of society agree with it. Actually, that whole idea gives me giggle fits,,,

Dunno,,, the future looks bright, but is obsured by the clouds of the past burning down around us. What was, may come back in small ways; we are a nostalgic creature that never wants to let go the past. And what will come will be as hodge-podge as the last ‘experiment’, and human nature will be the ever lasting ‘fuck you’ to any with high ideals. That is the only thing I DO KNOW, we aren’t widgets that you can move around on a chess board and say “THIS”,,,, We wander as we will and for everyone that thinks as you, there are 20 with other ideas.

Keep on livin’/lovin’

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