Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it – no matter if I have said it! – except it agree with your own reason and your own common sense.” – Siddhartha Gautama, a.k.a. the Buddha

Predictive programming?

Was just out’n’bout, had a dinner at my fave Chinee buffet, (you’d think I would be 300+# as much as I like the stuff,, Nopes, holding that 200# mark still) and they were runnin’ the Communist News Network (Chinese place, DUH!)  and I saw an ad for an upcoming show about NukeLEEarWAHHRRRRRR!!!!   and about spit out a mouthful of Lo-mein when the doggeral hit my brainium of how they were trying to spin it.

First off, not many NORMIES are aware that the Russians are playing a game (they are calling it a training exercise) near the Carribean.   And this isn’t something like what we saw back in the Sixties,,, they are/will be in International Waters so completey Legit: can’t touch them and make demands,,,  No Cuban Missile crisis to help give Ol’Slooooooo-Joe his “JFK” moment of glory.   

BUT, the Commie News peeps are playing that ‘Get your shit ready, the Russians are coming, the Russians are coming’ and playin’ on old fears,,, they were even displaying old Soviet Union memorabilia to dig the hooks of propaganda DEEP. 

But not one person on that side of the screen is saying the one thing that I have been saying since the Whole UkraineKoked-outKlownKar started up.   STOP POKING THE BEAR AND YOU WON’T GET YOUR FUCKING FACE RIPPED OFF.

Ahh,,,, but that doesn’t keep the owners and investors of the MIC happy does it.  GOTz ta keep the war machine rolling or LockheedMartin and the others start losing share value.   “Eeek! my profit margins are shrinking,, I can’t live with the dirt people, you gotta fix this,,, BOMB someone dammit!!!

Good Dog, I hope I am not the only one that can see through the bullshit.  It was damned near Freshman level Prop I was seeing, so blatantly over the top in trying to drive a certain ‘patriotic’ vibe from the Cold War era,,,,   Honestly, I felt like it was 1983 again for just a moment: except I was looking at a OLED Flat screen TV, not some Giant Projection Screen TV, and there are liver spots on my hands now along with a shit ton of scar tissue well earned.

For the record, assuming that the informaton about the Russian Hypersonics is accurate, DC is a 10 minute MAX flight from where the Ruskies are gonna be playing games.  Those are 10 minutes for DC to clear out and get in hideyholes,,,, AIN’T GONNA HAPPEN

Actually, that last statement is EXACTLY what I think,,, Nothing is gonna happen, The String pullers in DC are gonna take a step back, make some calls to their counterparts in Russia, do some fast talking and next week, business as usual.    That our $haministration continues to poke the BEAR does not bode well, but I feel HONESTLY that Putin and Krew do NOT want a Hot war with Canned sunshine, anymore than the guy in the street does.   That sort of action is pretty final and LIKELY the absolute last resort tactic on his list of ‘fun’.   We really need to replace the whole shebang with fresh blood that isn’t trying to rule the world from a broom closet 20 floors below the White House.   It is VERY obvious to me that they know the upcomine (S)election cycle is gonna have to swing one way, not the other, and even with the resulting riots of Soros backed cronies contesting it, they’ll have to concede the feild to popular vote or risk a SERIOUS uprising of rightously pissed off AmeriCANS, armed to the teeth, with lists and addresses, and an ax to grind.  I think that is the “why” they keep pushing this Ukraine thing to the point of absolute breakdown: they are out of options and need a hailmary pass to get to the goal zone.

Putin putting his warship in potential harms way is showing ME, that he is dead serious in his statements of “Stop sticking your damned noses in the business of Central Europe and West Asia!!!   Pull the NATO pitbull back and give me a buffer zone and I will back off!”   And his calls to that effect are MORE THAN reasonable in my opinion.

Gee, I sure miss mean tweets, <$2/gl gasoline, and NO WARS,,,,  Oh, and reasonably priced food,,,  Kinda miss that a lot too.

sigh,,,, The world moves on.

I’m at balance again, and holding it without needing to resort to kayaking to get there (though I ain’tagonnagiveup me kayaks, no sir!)  (and oh, how I wish I could share that feeling with the world,,,, Sorry, ya gotta find your own path, but it is so WORTH it.)

carry on, keep on livin’/lovin’    We’ll get through this yet and laugh about it later

One response

  1. Mike in FLA.

    Dammit man! A great poast, this is, fer sure. Yer previous poast hit a few nerves, too. Not in a bad way, either. Ya kinda let me get a glimpse of a channel I’ve been only slightly aware of. Not sure where it leads, good or bad, (if anywhere fer me), but it ain’t gonna be boring, is it?

    I had my version of my own path smoothed out today – went to a buds private range with another bud, and had a blast (literally as well as figuratively)!! Decided on names fer both – the revolver is *Sam* (1873 SAA replica); while the 03-A3 is *Alvin* (as in York). Send ya a range report tomorrow after I’m recuperated – too wasted from the 98* temps (no exaggeration here!) fer now. Working on an adult beverage at the moment to chill (along with the A and C’s benefit). Wondrous things, those are!

    Just took the pooch out, and am approaching balance meself (not quite there yet, though – some supper, another adult beverage, and a shower will get me close – not to mention a LOT less oderiferous!) Oh, and another beverage!

    Been catching similar vibes meself, about *things* in general. Amongst ’em, the Carib thing – dam near in my back yard, it is. Thinking yer on the right track regarding Pooty Poot, as well. Been thinking that he’s been trying mightily to be restrained after all the poking he’s putting up with. As well as *trying* to let everyone know that he’s doing so.

    These FUCKING MORONS in control want WWIII so badly it’s re-fucking-dick-olous!! They figure they won’t hafta pay the price. Little do they know.

    Anyway, wanted to congratulate ya on chilling – me too! Glad ya got the right shit coming fer The Buff (crossing fingers!). Not cool to be stranded at all!

    Y’all Take care & stay livin,
    Mike in FLA.

    Liked by 1 person

    June 8, 2024 at 5:16 pm