Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it – no matter if I have said it! – except it agree with your own reason and your own common sense.” – Siddhartha Gautama, a.k.a. the Buddha

Muhnday whirligig thinks,,,,

Not even going to try speculating how “Iranian Prez and other staff” dead in Helo crash, is going to pan out.   Timing is everything.   I do know, the Iranian people were celebrating,,,   Says much about the actual situation there, no?  Usually a President is Mourned and Honored, at least if the people like them even a little bit.   The People of Iran were shooting off Fireworks and CELEBRATING,,, No, no lost love in the firey crash of a helo in the mountains.

But how that is gonna play out with the the whole ME travesty we have seen playing out since last October,,, Dunno, not a clue, other than, there are going to be some shifts in vector of current politics in the region: good, bad, same old same old, no clue.

Been doing more Mental Gaming of things mentioned in that vid I linked the other day, the one where the ‘earth flips’,,,

Obviously, I am no Geological expert: I am a blue collar Skilled Tradesman, with way too many tongs in the fires of knowledge.   So, take what I am about to ‘explain’ with a grain of salt and know that its about as dumbed down as it can get (which is pretty far actually).  

Watching it again, the host talks about how when the poles flip orientation, the mantle will shift on its axis as well, even though he planetary whole will maintain its current spin on a tilt relative to its orbit around the sun.   He flat states that the energy released by a certain level of CME is going to ‘break the mantle loose’ and it will float into a new orientation, 90 degrees from its current one. (he also states that this happens every 12000 years or so.)

PROBLEM.   Dude,,, The mantle ALREADY is floating over cores.   Its why we have techtonic activity, like earthquakes and volcanoes and hot springs/geysers.    Things DO shift around, and yes, sometimes they can do so quite dramatically (ask any one from California or Japan,,,   OR watch the eruption of Mt St Helen again.)    To get an entire continent to shift as he is suggesting (stating) would require ENORMOUS amounts of energy, and to be quite honest, said amounts would destroy everything on the surface long before the tsunamis ‘returned’ .

IMO, dude spent WAY TOO MUCH TIME investigating how Hollywierd made the movie 2012 so damned plausible (its called Willing suspension of disbelief, and GOOD writers and directors can call it up at will)

So, my take away?   IF/WHEN the poles flip, they will likely do so quite quickly, and stabilize,,, its the middle ground where things get wonky for us fast moving humans.   If you ever look at the magnetic force lines of a magnet, you will see the problem: look at the focii of the poles,,,, the protection comes between them, and everything else gets pushed to the poles.  That means that when the North (magnetic) pole is triapsing down through Russia towards Bengladesh, there are going to be LARGE  amounts of Stellar energy being pulled down to the surface. and the collapsing energy waves are going to wreck all sorts of shit in waves outward from there.    (energy doesn’t ‘die’ it transforms.   EM waves become radio waves,,, radio waves passing through conductors become EM waves.  Yes, there is some efficiency loss, usually in heat, but the energy does NOT die, it just becomes another form.   Not enough focus in me to go into all the ‘particles are waves are particles’ stuff here,,, Utoob the double slit experiment if you really want to dive into this rabbit hole.)   

AND there is a REAL possibility of Multiple poles,,,   Talk about screwing up navigation in real time,, what if there were (recorded, up to 6!) sets of north/south poles, or even 3 or 4 north, and 7 or 8 south,,,,    all scatttered will-he nil-he about the globe.  Think about all of the Solar wind particles able to wiggle through the  Van Allen belt to hit targets on the surface,,,,    As an analogy, it would be like making a bullet proof vest with a bolt of cheese cloth.   Might stop a bullet, likely won’t.

So, on that note, I am going to throw out a caveat here.   MAYBE, sometime in the far far past, somesuch event did take place where the crust of the earth rotated 90 off axis.    We do know that there were super-continents like Pangea and a couple of others at one time or another, so yes, the Crust DOES move,,,


I would speculate that such an event happened very early on our planets history when there was WAY more energy in the system as a whole.   Things have settled down quite a bit since then.

And I ain’t gonna worry a single grey hair over it.   The only reason I am even bringing it up was my mind refused to let it go, much like a pitbull on a porterhouse steak.   It tasted something nummy to chew on and went to town. 

  And you shouldn’t worry about it either,  Chances are, this event(the pole flip) is a century or more in the future.   AND, even it happens in the next 10 years, There ain’t a damned thing you or anyone else can do to stop it.    IF you have been a prepper, you are already 30 steps ahead of the rest of the world, and if you aren’t; WHY NOT?!?!  

Biggest thing I can offer,,, Remember the rule of 72 hours.   When the shit hits the fan, you have 72 hours before people completely lose thier collective shit.   If you are in a place where that would lead to ‘really really bad’, (first off, why are you still there NOW?) you have (roughly) a 24 hour window to MOVE IT, and after that, things start to get real murky.  If you miss that window and the 72 drops in your lap; May God have mercy on you and guide you through where angels will fear to tread. (no, not trying to play the DoomPron game on ya.  Just wanting people to think about things. ) (and thats where you want a different BOB in your plans,,, Not the Big Orange Ball, but The Bug OUT Bag.  Just remember this, Refugees are unrealized victims walking,,,   Don’t be that guy is my best advice.)


Long day today,   more coming.  State job, sons I’m gonna be a bit grumpy after hours.   Hatez wearing hardhats and reflective vests that get caught in EVERYTHING,  but thats the gig and that’s what we do,, 

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