Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it – no matter if I have said it! – except it agree with your own reason and your own common sense.” – Siddhartha Gautama, a.k.a. the Buddha

damn tha’sucked/ketch-up

Sorry for that gap y’all, my data plan ran out on me only half a day before I was supposed to re-up.   And believe me, it made for a very lame night, not being able to catch up on things, or post or much of anything else for that matter.   Dead tree editions night, and I have plenty of them, but nothing new or unread so it was repeats night.

Sarah has been on a roll the last couple, if you are inclined to go there and read, it is definitely something to lift the spirits.  Nothing new there really, like her preaching to the left that stealing another (s)election cycle is bad ju-ju for them, and clarifying that the left uses violence with a fader, but the right only has an on/off switch and we really really try to keep that switch in the off position.   Why? because once its flipped “on”, it doesn’t get reset to off until the circuit has ran its complete course: that usually means total defeat of the reason it was flipped,,,,    I like her analogy using the exaggerated Immune system response for what would happen.      

And there is another factor.   I am 54.   I have no desire to make like Robin Sage.  Never did that while in, but I have friends that did and even they are as long or longer in tooth than I, and they don’t want to unleash that beast either.   It is VERY HARD to get leashed back in and put under control, and as we age, it does NOT get easier.    Like the meme says.  Don’t piss off old people: they are already mad about getting old, and stoopid shit just amplifies that anger.

Not wanting to, does not mean they WON’T, and with age, they have very little left to lose, and you REALLY don’t want to go down that road.(and with all the fun n games of our current FRAUD, some have NOTHING left to lose,,, Just sayin’.)

Your perfumed princes in the Pentagram on the Potomac couldn’t handle Affy, and this country is a whole lot bigger, and populated by many of those that learned a thing or five over in the sandbox and other excursions of the funhouse called DotMil.   I know the short spell I spent in Kuwait, I learned a shit ton, especially about myself and what I can tolerate, even at 54.   There are smells I NEVER want to smell again, but if things continue down the path the left keep pushing, those smells are going to be familiar territory again.

And I can still distinguish an AR ‘crack’ from an AK ‘bang’ at a distance, recall the “Thuooommm!” of arty batteries letting fly, and know the sounds of military fly-gear versus civvy stuff.   I do recall the ‘Fog’, not knowing anything, and the feelings of “I just wanna go home in one piece, and anyone gets in the way is gonna DIE!”   

I ain’t alone.    

and people are getting very mad.

and the powder keg has been tipped over without a bung in the hole. a spark, any spark, and NO ONE knows what the first blast will open up.

Be very careful of what you wish for, 

You may get it.   And Karma is like reality, A Stone cold bitch.

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